• Chapter 4 •

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"Dream?" dream then stood up from where he was resting and saw his "friend" this is gonna get awkward-

"Hi George- and XD?" Dream tries to be stubtle but George was not having it "What are YOU doing here dream" george asks in a pissed off way "aren't you supposed to be in prison did- DID YOU ESCAPE- HOW COME THERE WAS NO ALA-" george was cut off by HD "I just wanted to show him outside mortal oh I see that your also here XD" HD looks at XD with an annoyed look "oh HD fu-cking around with another human again?" XD smirks "oh YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT YOU GREEN BASTARD!" the gods were about to fight until

"HD let's just leave its not worth it" dream says HD sighs and takes dream's hand and teleports them back to the prison

Even if they weren't friends anymore...Dream cared about George they used to be best friends and they could've been something more...but time changes their fate

"XD...why did that god look like me?"

At Pandora's vault

"UGH I AM SO ANGRY WITH THAT GUY YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST LET ME RIP HIM APART PIECE BY PIECE" HD says with rage "I don't even know why your angry with XD dude" dream says in confusion but now he knew that HD and XD had a relationship that also ended badly... "IT JUST- ugh its nothing I'd rather not speak about him anyways" HD huffs and sits down at the floor in anger and Dream rolls his eyes

Dream's POV
I'm gonna assume he really does NOT LIKE XD

"wow not obvious enough?" HD scoffs

"ah right your reading my mind again- can you like stop that its kinda creepy"

"pfft- no."


Back to XD and George


"well- um- I don't think you'd like the explanation"

"please I've handled worse I'm sure it ain't that bad so WHY DOES THE GUY LOOK LIKE ME?" George was very curious

"OKAY OKAY um you know I'm a god right?"


"well I choose you to be my human"

"I'm sorry what? 😃"

"each god could choose a human either just for companionship or something else basically just a relationship" XD says being a bit embarrassed

"so your telling me that gods choose people to be in a relationship with them damn are you guys that bored?"

"kind of- but anyways when we choose are human they see us as the person they care about most well the mortal you care about most"


"george?" XD says while sweating a bit


"I know I know okay? but I'm not lying it's clearly in front of you. you care about him"


George would never admit that he cares for Dream because even then before they really had a good relationship and then drama started and Dream became too toxic so he left in all honesty if all of that didn't happen they'd still be best friends or something more

"look you don't have to like or love him you just care about him" Dream says trying to calm George

Back to dream and HD

"so that human that XD was with is that?"

"yeah its george"

"I see...did you have a good relationship with him I mean he kind of sounds mad at you is this one of the criminal things you did?"

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