The Note from No One

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It was an almost normal Wednesday morning for Sirius Black and his Husband Remus Lupin. 

Sirius got up at seven and took a shower. He than spent and hour on his hair before Remus banged on the door telling him to get a move on, complaining about taking so long on his hair when he was going to change it again in three hours because he wouldn't like the way to looked or what not.

He then got dressed and head to the dinning room for breakfast with his Husband. And this morning Regulus Black and his wife Amara was joining them. 

They would talked about anything that crossed their minds, Sirius teasing Remus, and Regulus reading the paper. Amara was going through her to do list, and Remus was trying his best to ignore Sirius and his childish behaviour.

Then they would all split and go on with their day. It seemed like life was perfect to anyone who gave a second glance at the group of seemingly happy people. 

Only today was slightly different. Sirius wasn't teasing Remus, Remus wasn't ignoring Sirius, Regulus wasn't reading the paper, and Amara wasn't going through her list of 'to-do's'. No they were all quite. 

For today was the day Katherine Black had gone missing.

The day she disappeared.

The day people said she died.

The Blacks, and Black-Lupins had cleared their plans, as well as some of their closest friends, so today they could spend together, remembering Katherine and everything about her. 

Just as Remus was about to say something, and Owl came swooping in, a letter clutched in it's beak. It landed right in front of Regulus. Slowly taking the letter, Regulus opened it, reading it to himself. He froze looking as though he had seen a ghost. 

Quickly Amara grabbed the letter from his hand and read it. Slowly mouthing the words to herself as she read. 

She looked up, too pale. She grabbed Regulus hand, dropping the letter Infront of her. 

"Sirius," she began gently, but becoming impatient he grabbed the letter from where it sat and quickly read it to himself.

"I- um- Remus." Sirius choked out. Barely able to form a word.

Reading the letter himself, Remus glanced up at his small family before back at the letter. He gently placed the letter on the table and pulled his glasses off, wiping them on his jumper before putting them back on. 

Slowly he read the last line of the letter again before running his hand through his hair and looking at his lover. 

"Let's give it ago" was all he said.

Regulus looked at his brother, knowing this would have most definitely have affected him the most, after all hearing the news that someone knew what had happened to Katherine. Where she was, and how she was doing would be enough to overwhelm anyone. 

Reading the last line again Regulus spoke out loud-

"Hogwarts of Witchcraft and Wizardry." 

A flash of blue light filled the room, before the four adults where teleported to Hogwarts. 

The letter softly falling to the ground was the last thing heard in the house of Black.

(A/N: I know this is short, but bare with me, it will get better- I hope. Also I just picture Remus Lupin with glasses, so that's how I am putting it. The thing at the start is just something random by the way. Thank you for reading! This is my first story, I hope you like it!)

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