Forks and Spoons

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(A/N- The Script I got from- - It's not mine, only the changes and the reactions.)

1 EXT. RAIN FOREST, OLYMPIC NATIONAL PARK, WASHINGTON - DAWN Moss-draped. Shadow-drenched. Tortured tree trunks twist upward, reaching for rare sunlight.

BELLA (V.O.) I'd never given much thought to how I would die..

"That got dark very quickly" Ron muttered; Hermione hit in the back of his head hissing at him to be quiet.

"Why would anyone think about how they would die?" Molly Weasleys' apprehensive voice speaks up.

Suddenly, every creature in the forest is deadly silent. Neither bird, beast nor insect make a noise. A predator is near. Then, in the distance, hear a tiny SNICK - a twig snapping. Abruptly, we're on the move. Fast.

UNKNOWN POV – MOVING Trees start whipping past us at a dizzying speed, branches are dodged with preternatural agility.

 And we're speeding up, chasing something. It's exhilarating. Terrifying. Finally, up ahead, we get the first glimpse of our prey- 


running for its life as it darts through this maze of a forest. It sprints forward, but we gain on it. 

Beyond the deer, SEE the forest's edge ahead, white sunlight glowing against the trees. 

The buck races for the light. 

We're just behind it, about to emerge from the shadowy darkness -

The deer LEAPS into the light in a high arc, hovering (suddenly SLOW MOTION) against the WHITE GLARE of the sun... then BAM! 

The deer abruptly plummets out of frame at an unnatural angle, leaving the WHITE GLARE to fill the screen.

Gasps are heard throughout the hall. Some younger students turn away, while some animal-lovers wipe tears from their eyes.


 BELLA (V.O.) But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go. .

Molly nods her head in agreement. Mad-eye seemingly thinking it was a good time to yell out "Constant vigilance" Making many students jump, forgetting he was there.

-- Then into the WHITENESS steps the face of - 


Eyes closed against the sunlight, absorbing its rays. Long, dark hair frames alabaster skin. She's a vulnerable, introverted, imperfect beauty.

  "She's so pretty!" A younger Hufflepuff student squeaked.

BELLA (V.O.)... So, I can't bring myself to regret the decision that brought me here to die... 

 The background comes into focus as we realize we're now in 


Bella stands at the end of a cul-de-sac on the desert's edge. The sun blazes behind her-

- she bends down and carefully scoops a tiny BARREL CACTUS into a clay pot. 

BELLA (V.O.) ... The decision to leave home.She stares at the cactus in a state of reverie, until 

BLONDE #1 (O.S.) Bye, Bella!


McMansion ACROSS THE STREET Three tanned, athletic, blonde GIRLS hop into a convertible Mercedes. 

Their flawless, bought-and-paid for beauty contrasts with Bella's pale naturalness. They wave.

BLONDE #2 Good luck at your new school!

 They ADLIB superficial good wishes, "Don't forget to write;"

"We'll miss you." Bella waves back, sweetly, but half-heartedly as she steps off the curb.

BELLA- Have a good.. -

-and trips. When she rights herself, they're already gone.

"That's embarrassing." Pansy giggled at the girl on screen.

BELLA- ... life.

  "Clearly not good friends" 

Clearly, not close friends. 

Bella's grown-up demeanour and innate intelligence become apparent as -

BELLA'S MOTHER, RENE, mid 30's -

-exits their house -

-it's low rent for this ritzy neighbourhood. 

Rene is eclectic, scattered, anxious, more of a best friend than parent. She thrusts a cell phone at Bella. 

RENE- It won't work again, baby.

  A few laughs at this.

BELLA- You put it on hold. 

RENE- I did? 

BELLA- Look. You also called Mexico.

The Twins smirk at this "Ooo-" "Sasy"

Rene pushes her playfully, they laugh.

RENE- I'll figure it out. You gotta be able to reach me and Phil on the road – I love saying that - on the road.

BELLA- Very romantic.

PHIL, 31, good looking with an athlete's body, exits the house, carrying Bella's three suitcases with ease.

PHIL- If you call crappy motels, backwater towns and ballpark hot dogs romantic.He puts his Phoenix Desert Dogs baseball hat on Rene's head with a kiss. 

Phil's love of Rene reassures Bella. Phil heads to the old station wagon to load the luggage, while Rene slips her arm through Bella's, clinging to her as they walk to car.

RENE- Now, you know if you change your mind, I'll race back here from wherever the game is. 

But Rene's strained expression tells us what a great sacrifice that would be. Bella forces a smile.

BELLA- I won't change my mind, mom.

RENE- You might. You've always hated Forks.

 BELLA- It's not about Forks, it's about Dad. I mean, two weeks a year, we barely know each other. (off Rene's still worried look) 

Bella- Mom, I want to go. I'll be fine.

But as Rene hugs Bella, we see the truth on BELLA'S FACE dread, doubt, regret. 

Off Bella, struggling to keep her facade up as she climbs into the back seat of the car.. 


SCOTTSDALE Bella, IPOD earbuds in her ears, gets a last glimpse of the sparkling malls, chic shoppers, manicured cactus gardens..

(A/N- I am going to be trying a few different styles while writing the first chapters of this book. Like movie script or book script. find which way fits me best.)

_I hope you like it!!_

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