The Sudden Arrival

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It was a normal morning for the residents of Hogwarts, everyone woke up, got ready for school, fallen back asleep, been hit with a pillow, and got up again. Than they all slowly made their way to meet up with friends, and get breakfast before heading to class. 

That's how it was. That's how it always was. 

Laughter can be heard all around, children running for class, munching on toast, and quickly trying to finish any homework they had left and little too late. 

Harry, Hermione, and Ron were sitting together at the Gryffindor table, Ron eating toast, Harry finishing his homework, and Hermione was reading a book. 

It seemed as though everything was going to be normal before a flash of blue light blinded everyone in the great hall, Once the light cleared, a group of newly arrived people was standing in the middle of the hall, They all looked confused as hell too.

Rapidly blinking their eyes, everyone slowly regained their sight, everyone settled down.

"Mum? Dad?" Harry was the first person to say something.

"What's going on here?" Umbitch- *sorry* Umbridge's shrilly voice was heard next. "That's what I would like to know too" Dumbledore spoke up before anyone else could.

"Uh, we got a letter telling us to say 'Hogwarts of Witchcrafts and Wizardry' and then we were here"  Lily Potter nee' Evans soft voice was the first to be heard.

 Dumbledore opened his mouth but before he could make a sound a letter appeared in a cloud of yellow sparks. Dumbledore picked up the letter and read it out loud- 

"Dear residents of Hogwarts and guest, 

I have summoned you all here to find out what has happened to Kathrein Black,"- 

Murmurs filled the hall, almost everyone knowing who Kathrein Black was.

"And no, she is not dead- kind of- She has been living in America, with some friends of hers. You are all going to watch some movies to see what has been going on in her life and change her future for the better, Time outside of Hogwarts will stop, food and drinks and resting places have been provided, You cannot leave the great hall until you have finished all the movies." As Dumbledore finished the tables in the great hall vanished, being replaced with beanbags and lounges, a few tables where lined up at the back of the room with different varieties of food and drink and a massive white screen appeared in the front of the great hall. 

"Let's get started than" Dumbledore said as he settled himself down on one of the beanbags, Sirius sat quickly eager to know what happened to his twin, his friends and family sat down quickly as well wanting to know what happened to their favorite Slytherin, their kids sat down with their family near there friends, most wanting to know what had become of the person their moms would tell them stories about, (like how she defeated the Dark Lord).  The Fawralys were quick to sit as well, for their son, (who was married now but whatever) had been promised her hand in marriage. Umbitch sat with a huff, thinking about how it is a waste of time, watching movies about someone dead. 

One everyone was settled down they all looked at the screen with impatients. 

"When-" A younger Ravenclaw student starts but he was cut off when the big screen came alive-

The words on the screen read- 


-Hope you like it!-

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