The 'New Girl'

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"That was... a interesting way to start." A random Ravenclaw kid stated.

Before anyone else could comment the movie started up again-

[OST – Full Moon by The Black Ghosts]

[An aircraft departs. A police car crosses a bridge.]

Bella VO: In the state of Washington, under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, there is a small town named Forks.

[Charlie drives the police car. Bella sits on the passenger side.] Population, 3120 people. This is where I'm moving. My dad's Charlie. He's the chief of police.

"Damn that's small." A random Gryffindor muttered to his friends, only to be hushed quickly, for people wanted to know how this had to do with their saviour Kathrine.

[They cross the damp town.]

Charlie: Your hair's longer.

Bella: I cut it since last time I saw you.

Charlie: Oh, guess it grew out again.

"So awkward" Pansy muttered to Blaise and Theo, making them snigger under their breath. 

[They arrive at Charlie's house.]

Bella VO: I used to spend two weeks here almost every summer...But it's been years.

[Bella and Charlie bring Bella's things upstairs.]

Charlie: I cleared some shelves off in the bathroomBella: Oh right. One bathroom.

"One bathroom!?" Lavender Brown shrieked forgetting about keeping quiet. Everyone turned to look at her. "Sorry" Lavender said looking a little embarrassed and disturbed at the thought of only one bathroom. "What a poor girl. I get why she wouldn't want to stay there." Lavender said more quietly though most heard her cause no one else was talking.

[They enter Bella's room and look around the room.]

Charlie: It's pretty good working lamp. Sales lady picked out the bed stuff. You like, you like purple, right?Bella: Purple's cool. Thanks.Charlie: Okay.

[leaves the room]

Bella VO: One of the best things about Charlie...he doesn't hover.

Molly tutted thinking that Bella shouldn't address her father by his first name. Sirius turned to glare at her for interrupting but Remus stopped him, by pulling him into a big warm hug and softly kissed his cheek to calm him down.


 [A honk comes from outside. Bella looks out the window.]

Billy: I heard you guys coming all the way down the road.

Charlie: Good to see you.

"Who are they?" Someone asked- it went ignored.

[Bella comes to the driveway.]

Charlie: Bella, you remember Billy Black?Bella: Yeah. 

[shakes hand with Billy] Hey, you looking good.

Billy: Well I'm still dancin'. I'm glad you're finally here. Charlie here hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming.Charlie: All right, keep exaggerating, I'll roll you into the mud.

[Bella giggles.]

Billy: After I ram you in the ankles. 

[starts chasing Charlie on his wheelchair]

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