{/\}Chapter 1{/\}

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Author's Pov

M/n started to panic when he heard the foot steps echoing through the hallways below deck, he looked around for something to hide behind when his eyes landed on some barrels that probably had enough room to hide him. He sped walked quietly to the barrels, and there was enough room to hide him, and he spent no time hiding behind them.

When he was behind the barrels, something caught his attention. It was the voice of his brother. "This one will be the one we will test it on. Bring it out." He peeked out from behind his hiding spot and watched as the dragon next to the first cage got led out forcefully with a shackle around it's neck and it attacked one of the hunters in defense and Grimmel groaned in frustration and sedated the dragon and M/n's face went to shock.

When he saw his own brother shoot a dragon with out an ounce of hesitation, when he saw the coast was clear he came out from behind the barrels and headed towards the exit looking over his shoulder to the other dragons in the cages then looked to the one that he was with those minutes before "I promise I'll get you all out of here.."

He said quietly, then disappearing down the hallway. When he got onto the top deck, he saw that hardly anyone was there, which would be normal, but it didn't feel right. It was then he heard footsteps stepping onto the ship.

He looked towards where they were coming from, and he saw his brother with the dragon walking beside him, but it seemed off. "Ah, M/n you're just the person I wanted to see." He said unusually calm.

"Why did you want to see me, brother?" M/n said uneasy as this wasn't normal for Grimmel to be this calm."I just wanted to test something out." He said, and his brother got even more uncomfortable and uneasy. "Well, what is it?" He said, trying to hide his fear.

"Oh, just this." Grimmel said as he pointed towards his brother, and the dragon ran towards M/n and started to circle him as if he was a sheep getting preyed upon by a wolf.

M/N'S Pov

I watched as the crimson dragon was circling me and constantly growling at me. "Brother, what did you do." I asked sternly but the dragon snarled at me after I said that and I swear I saw tusks come out of it's facial area "Oh don't worry M/n she won't attack you unless told." My brother said still in that uneasy calmness.

I looked at the dragon again and saw something on top of her head that had three small viles on the top and they had something of a violet shade in all three of the viles, "Brother what the hellheim did you do to this dragon."

"Now now, M/n there's no need to use that language, and besides, it's easier to control them with their very own venom." I looked at my brother in disbelief and a small bit of disgust that he would do this to a dragon with a long life a head of it.

"Also, these dragons are death grippers. They are highly venomous in their tails and are able to spit acid, so I don't recommend using your strict tone with me anymore, M/n." I glared at my brother and he recalled the Death gripper, he walked past me I just kept glaring at him my own brother threatening to kill me with a dragon that he is controlling against it's own will and didn't even want to be here in the first place,

'He is going to do this to the other Death grippers..' I thought to myself when I started to walk back to my quarters.

When I was infront of my door I was about to open it when I heard claws against the wood of the ship on the lower deck, I looked over the railing and saw they had brought another Death gripper up from below deck and it was stubborn as it kept pulling back on it's restraint and shaking it's head to make some of the crew who where pulling him fall to the floor and I chuckled abit witch caught the dragon's attention and it's whole attitude changed when it saw me.

He tried to get over to me but some of the crew were holding him back from getting anywhere close to me but little did they know I had interacted with him below deck but I know he isn't even trained and if I called to him I would've been shot by one of the crew members instantly.

"That one seems to have an interest in you, M/n." Grimmel said as if he appeared out of thin air, but I sensed he was near, and he sounded suspicious when he said that, "Why would it? I haven't seen them till you made that female circle, me ready to kill me." I lied."It just made me curious that he would try to get to you after seeing you."

I mumbled something but I'm glad Grimmel didn't hear me mumbling or he would've asked me to repeat it, I looked back to where the Death gripper and the crew were and they were still trying to hold him back but they ended up failing and falling to the floor and he started for me but for some reason I didn't flinch it was as if I knew he wasn't coming harm me.

A few crew members tried grabbing his chain that was on the shackle around his neck but they end up grabbing it once but get pulled to the ground by the strength of the dragon,

He came up the stairs towards me and I still didn't move while Grimmel was somewhere else then I felt something scaly press up against my side witch got my attention and I looked to the dragon and started to stroke his head a bit witch shocked the crew as he wasn't trying to bite my hand off.

Author's Pov

Grimmel came back with another one of those contraptions that the other death gripper wore, and he saw M/n stroking the dragon's head without fear. "Come on dragon."

Grimmel said coldly while grabbing the chain on the shackle and of course the dragon started to be stubborn again by doing the same things he did to the crew who actually did have to push him off the ship and the rest of the way to where they put the helmet on the female Death gripper who was asleep around the main deck.

When they arrived at the area, the dragon started to growl lowly while still pulling back on the chain. "Wrap the chain around the same tree." Grimmel said coldly again and handed the chain to the men, and they nodded and walked towards the tree they tied the female Death Gripper to.

After they tied him to the tree he immediately started to thrash and roar loudly, his sapphire blue eyes burned with anger, his pupils went as thin as they could and his tail opened up trying to stab one of the crew members and Grimmel.

He couldn't calm down, his roar sounded like thunder, Grimmel got tired of this and shot the dragon with a dart that made him pass out on to the ground.

Grimmel walked over to the dragon's head and started to attach the helmet to the Death gripper's head, when he was done the dragon's sapphire eyes opened but his pupils slit as soon as he saw Grimmel and he spat acid his way but it missed him but hit one of the crew members killing him instantly, Grimmel sighed and went near the angered dragon and clicked the top vile and the poor dragon's mind went blank,

Grimmel unwrapped the chain from the tree and tugged it and the Death gripper followed him back to the ship with a fear filled crew behind them as they just witnessed one of them get killed and another get mauled by the female Death gripper and somehow survived and they were terrified.

To be continued.

*_/The runaway twin.\_* Snotlout x Grimmel's twin brother!readerWhere stories live. Discover now