°○•Chapter 2•○°

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Author's Pov

M/n was on a stair sitting down not taking his eyes off that dock till he saw his brother and the Death gripper come into view and his heart sank at the fact the dragon was under the influence of his own venom.

"Ah, I thought you would be in your quarters at this time, M/n." Grimmel spoke, and the Ruby eyed Female Death gripper sat up a bit, "I decided not to head inside. Brother."

M/n said firmly and heard a growl from the female and male Death grippers, "Very well, M/n." Grimmel said as he took the shackle off and the dragon shook itself to get the tightness from it's neck away,

the sapphire eyes of the male Death gripper bore into M/n's soul but he walked away from where everyone else was to go rest, "Captin!" One of the men screamed as he ran out of the woods as if he was running from a hungry pack of speed stingers.

"What is it. Can't you see I was having a conversation?" "Dragons have been sighted in a clearing not far from here!" The man said excitedly, and Grimmel sighed, "Get the traps. Brother, you stay here and watch the ship. We will be back later tonight."

Grimmel said demandingly, and the female Death gripper got up as she was commanded silently by Grimmel to follow him.

The crew had gotten the traps, cages, nets, and crossbows just in case things got messy, and they set off for their hunting trip.

M/n looked to the male Death gripper who was resting near the stairs that led below deck and M/n knew those dragons needed to be freed but they would be captured again, M/n sighed and got up from the stair and grabbed some fish and raw meat from a barrel that was left open and headed down below deck.

His footsteps echoed down the stairs and hallway towards the area with the other Death grippers, when he stepped inside the area he saw a third cage was empty so he guessed Grimmel had gotten that one earlier while he was busy and he felt horrible for not being able to help them, he walked to one of the cages and saw emerald eyes stairing at him and he put a fish and a piece of meat through the bars and went to another cage and was met with a Death gripper eyeing the food in his hand and he did the same thing that he did to the emerald eyed Female Death gripper and pushed a fish and a piece of meat through the bars.

M/n did this for a bit till all the dragons were fed and went back up to the main deck, when he stepped onto the deck he was met with sapphire eyes stairing at him "Hey there." He said to the dragon and walked over to the barrel that contained raw meat and grabbed a piece that was roughly the same size that he gave to the other dragons and walked towards the male Death gripper and dropped the piece of meat infront of him and the dragon took it and started to eat it while staying in his laying position,

M/n crouched down and saw that the top right vile was pressed down a bit so he reached over and pulled it up till he heard a click.

He looked into the Death gripper's sapphire eyes and saw that his pupils were no longer slit and now were their original size and he rubbed his head against M/n's hand happy to see him and M/n smiled "It's good to see you to."

He said softly and started to pet the dragon's head, M/n stopped and took his hand away from the dragon's head and stood up and the dragon got up also and stretched his body and wings while yawning and M/n chuckled a bit and turned around and started for his room and the dragon started to follow him. The dragon only knew M/n for a day and already felt safe with him.

M/N'S Pov

I looked over my shoulder and saw he was following me, and I sighed, "I'm sorry, but you can't follow me to my quarters."

I said, and the dragon just looked at me with his head tilted while sitting down, and I sighed again."Stay here, ok? I'll be back out here tonight when everyone is asleep."

I said and started for my quarters again. When I got up to where I slept, I looked back and saw he was still there watching me till I entered my room.

I closed my door and sighed, I walked to my bookshelf and grabbed a book and walked over to my desk and sat down to read, I opened the book and started to read.

I don't know how much time had past but I heard cheers and laughter coming from outside and I knew it was Grimmel and the crew they had returned from their successful hunting trip as I heard natters, monstrous nightmares, and rumble horns roaring outside.

I closed my book and looked out my window to see the gentle moonlight pool inside my room. 'Well, Grimmel did say they were going to be gone till the late hours of the night.' I thought to myself, and I heard footsteps followed by doors closing.

It was a bit till I heard Grimmel's footsteps go past my room and enter his, I waited a while till I was sure everyone was asleep then I grabbed my satchel that was near my desk and stood up and packed a few books and walked towards my door and opened it and stepped out quietly as to not wake the crew and Grimmel and walked down the stairs to the main deck.

When I set foot onto the main deck I looked around and saw three Death grippers asleep in different areas of the ship, I walked over to the male Death gripper I had told to stay where he was and crouched down.

I looked at the contraption on his head and reached my hand towards it and started to remove it, when I got it off I set it off to the side and started to wake the dragon up when he woke up he saw the helmet was off him and he saw me and I put my finger to my lips signaling for him to stay quiet and he understood "Come on lets get out of here."

I said quietly and got up and started to walk towards the dock with him following me. When we got off the ship and onto the dock, I looked at the dragon.

"Ok, I know you won't like this, but you have to trust me." I said while going to his side, and he looked at me confused. I breathed in heavily.

"Here goes nothing.." I muttered and climbed onto his back. he freaked out a bit but calmed down,

"Let's go." I said and signaled to fly, and he started to run and then took off into the stary night sky, leaving the ship, the crew, Grimmel, and the other Death grippers. I sighed. "I promise I'll get the others out of there." I said to him as we flew further and further away.

(/)Next day(\)

Author's Pov

Grimmel woke up without the help of his brother that day witch set him off a bit but brushed it off as him just sleeping in and he walked towards his door and opened it and stepped out of his room closing the door behind him. He looked over the railing to see something on the main deck.

The helmet. He walked towards the stairs , desended them, and then went towards the helmet on the ground.

"Who did this?" He said anger going through his veins but none of the crew knew who did it then Grimmel had to check something.

He walked towards the stairs and ascended the stairs and walked towards M/n's door and opened it to see no trace of his brother.

Grimmel's face went to anger when he put two and two together, "Search this ship and the island! We have a traitor and a dragon hiding here!" He yelled in a commanding tone,"M/n you're dead when I find you."

Grimmel said as he left M/n's room. M/n and the Death gripper who still has yet to be named were on an island far away from where they were originally. "I don't think they'll find us out here.."

He said as he looked to the dragon who was trying to catch a fish."You still need a name. Hm.." He said after a few minutes, he spoke up again."Ah, I got it! Loki. Loki shall be your name from now on." He said proudly after he named his now dragon after the God of chaos himself.

To be continued.

*_/The runaway twin.\_* Snotlout x Grimmel's twin brother!readerWhere stories live. Discover now