☆♤°Chapter 6°♤☆

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The beginning of this chapter is a flash back of M/n's but this flash back contains:
Minor gore
Dragon death
And almost lost of trust
Disegregation is advised.
6 to 8 years ago when Grimmel and M/n were 17(YES I KNOW THAT GRIMMEL IS 55 BUT IM MAKING M/N AND HIM 23 SO SUCK IT!)

Author's Pov

"Grimmel wait up!" A teenage (h/c) boy shouted to his brother who was running ahead of him "I'll wait when I'm dead M/n!" The white haired boy shouted back at his brother and he just rolled his eyes and started to run faster to catch up with Grimmel so he wasn't left in the dust.

When he caught up with Grimmel he saw that he stopped running and was staring at something, he walked behind his brother and put his hand on his shoulder which he didn't flinch as he knew that his brother was behind him, M/n followed his brother's gaze and saw what he was looking at and his eyes went wide when he saw a NightFury sleeping in a small clearing and it looked to be juvenile male "Brother let's go and leave it be."

The young M/n said quietly but Grimmel thought otherwise. Grimmel grabbed his dagger from his belt around his waist and shook off M/n's hand from his shoulder and began to walk towards the sleeping NightFury. "Grimmel what are you doing?!" M/n whisper shouted and his brother just looked back at him with the intent of killing in his light blue eyes, he looked away from M/n and back at the sleeping NightFury who was starting to wake up slowly, Grimmel rose his dagger above his head and then with so much force he drove the dagger into the dragon's back repeatedly till it's pitch black blood was all over Grimmel and the ground.

He looked back at his brother who is horrified. "What? Do you actually feel sorry for it?" Grimmel asked pointing his dagger at the dragon's corpse, M/n had to lie as he knew Grimmel would tell their parents about M/n feeling pity for the dragons his family hunted, "No of course not! Why would I feel bad for those vermin?"

He lied and succeeded on not stuttering and Grimmel just nodded and started to walk away from the dragon's body still covered in it's blood, he walked past M/n and when he was far enough away to not hear or see anything the teenage M/n walked down to the dragon's body and grabbed a few flowers and placed them onto his head "I'm sorry you couldn't live a full life you mysterious and beautiful dragon, may the halls of Valhalla guide you to peace.."

The teenage boy said softly and he began to walk away from the body of the NightFury and walked home. He never told his parents what he did. He had lost some of his trust towards his brother that day.

Present day..

Author's Pov

M/n was awake before the sun was up due to him remembering that horrible day he was still infront of the fire place not moving just staring at the flames dancing peacefully and the creatures of the night were still active till they quieted down for the sun to rise up and bask the morning glow onto the village of Berk.

M/n shook his head and stood up from the chair and stretched letting a few of his bones pop and he also popped his neck and he grabbed his bag then started to walk towards the door and opened it and stepped out to the cool morning air just as the sun was rising and he decided to check on the dragons for the first thing he did for the new day,

when he rounded the corner of Snotlout's house he saw both HookFang and Loki resting with his tail wrapped around Loki and his wing over him,

Loki was curled up close to HookFang both fast asleep, Loki's tail was close to HookFang's tail and Loki had his head resting against the side of HookFang's body.

*_/The runaway twin.\_* Snotlout x Grimmel's twin brother!readerWhere stories live. Discover now