♤◇♧Chaper 3♧◇♤

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Author's Pov

It had now been a month and a half after M/n and Loki ran away from Grimmel and in that time M/n had been training Loki to get used to a saddle, used to M/n on his back while flying, and also having to get used to fighting and hunting as a team witch worked out in their favor really well.

M/n was out looking for food with Loki and then they heard voices on their island "Stay Low Loki." M/n said and the dragon nodded and hid in the bushes and stayed there while M/n moved closer to see where the voices were coming from.

When he was in the tree line he pulled up his (f/c) mask that he had made himself over his face and looked out from behind the bushes and saw people hauling dragons in cages onto their ship.

This sight made his blood boil. He pulled his (f/c2) hood over his head and stood up and ran out of the bushes attacking one of the men and killing him.

"GET THOSE DRAGONS ON THE SHIP NOW!" A man shouted but he came up behind him and slit his throat open killing him and M/n whistled for Loki and he came and rushed a guy who was running towards M/n with an axe in his hand that he dropped after Loki skewered him with his tusks.

M/n rushed another man stabbing him in his back then his chest for good measure, he looked back up from the man he killed and saw Loki had killed the others "Good job bud now let's get these dragons out of here."

He said walking to the cages on the beach and opening them, the dragons looked at him cautiously but when they saw he wasn't going to be any harm to them they took to the skies and disappeared then he turned to the ones on the boat and opened up their cages and they did the same cautious look then took to the skies.

M/N'S Pov

Loki and I watched as the dragons we saved fly off into the sky and disappear into the soft blue horizon. "Let's head back to our hunt bud."

I said and Loki nodded, we hunted for a few hours catching boars and the occasional deer till the evening, then we headed back to our small camp and I took my knife and started to skin the boar and Loki was gnawing on a deer after I finished skinning the boar I started to cook it over the fire I made.

I looked over at Loki who was done eating the deer and was fast asleep beside my tent and I smiled slightly as I was happy I was able to save him from a life he was going to be forced into. Once I had finished cooking the boar I dug into it, after I had finished I put the fire out and got up and walked into my tent and layed down on my bed I made from animal fur and slowly closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep slumber.

(_/Next day\_)

M/N'S Pov

I was woken up by Loki, who wanted to explore more of the island we lived on, and I sighed and nodded.

I couldn't resist when his sapphire eyes had that adventurous look in them. I grabbed my small knife and my bag and we set off to explore the rest of our island.

We found a cave and explored that, and we found crystals, but we left them alone.

We went deeper into the cave and found an old dragon nest that had bits and pieces of eggs that have hatched a long while ago, and there were a few bones from the food that this dragon eats. Loki and I walked back out of the cave and rested near a tree.

Loki was infront of the tree and I was resting against his side, I looked at Loki who was peaceful as ever and I looked to my satchel and opened it and brought out my sketch book and my pencil and started to sketch the area enjoying the peace and quiet.

([]Meanwhile, on the other side of the island[])

Hiccup's Pov

Me and the others were adventuring again and were trying to find new dragon species again.

*_/The runaway twin.\_* Snotlout x Grimmel's twin brother!readerWhere stories live. Discover now