3|the start of the game

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You woke up at 10:30am, you got up and walked down stairs, your mom was probably sleeping so you quietly let blue out so he can go potty. You quickly made a bagel and went out side to watch blue. But a few minutes later you see three cars pulled in, your uncles, your other uncle, and your cousins,Jess:16, Amelia:12, and Jackson:7". Blue started barking and growling until he noticed your main uncle jay, "hey uncle jay why is everyone here?".
"Hey kiddo, if you checked your phone where having a bbq your mom set up, you should invite those triplets!."
"Maybe uncle Jay, can you let in blue tho?".
"Ofc kiddo".
You heard Jackson scream your name, he ran to you and jumped, you caught him and held him, "hey kid!! How's school going?".
"Great! I missed you!!". He wrapped his arms around your neck and hugged you
"Missed you to buddy! Go to your dad real quick!". And just like that he got down then ran off inside, Jess was already inside but Amelia was outside "hey Amelia! How's your step mom been treating you?".
"She couldn't come today but she's been doin good!, but do you have any extra cloths? I didn't have time to change".
"Yea sure! Let's go up into my room!". Luckily you had some of Amelia's cloths in your room from when she slept over before. She changed in your bathroom and left, then you changed
-your fit-

It wasn't chilly, but you thought the jacket fit the outfit pretty well, and if it got hot you'd take it off, you grabbed your phone and there it was, a message from your uncle jay

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It wasn't chilly, but you thought the jacket fit the outfit pretty well, and if it got hot you'd take it off, you grabbed your phone and there it was, a message from your uncle jay. You called up Nick
N;"hey bestie what's going on?".
Y:"well my uncle invited you and your brothers over at my house for a bbq so you guys can come if you want"
N:ya we'll come, just uh what's your adress!
Y:I'll type it to you, Ik it's weird since we met like only a day ago but my uncle is a big fan lol
N:"it's all good! Well cya there!
You walked down stairs "hey uncle cream, how's the new marriage going?".
"Pretty good, I'll start cooking soon with uncle jay".
"Okay! The triplets are on the way btw!".
"Really!? I'm a huge fan of them!! Yay yay!". You could tell Amelia was really excited, you loved seeing her happy, it's been hard for her since she was close with her real mom and can't get visitations yet, so it made you happy to see her happy. But you decided to post on instagram for once since you haven't for awhile
-the post

 But you decided to post on instagram for once since you haven't for awhile -the post

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Y/n.latte:okay but my uncle needs to learn how to do these right, love them but there so thin😭 |likes:45,000|
Nick.sturniolo;low key excited to eat those..
|chris.sturniolo replied:me too tbh!".
|creator liked both|
Y/n.is.the.best.: the day she replies?, also uncle jay is the best
|replied:likes too? lol and yes he his!".
-load more-
The triplets showed up about 7 minutes later but before they walked in you pulled them all aside
"Listen my little cousin Amelia is a HUGE fan of you guys, so can u surprise her? Please!".
Chris:"bet watch me!".
Nick:"hey no me!!, also love the outfit girl!".
You:you guys are so sweet! And thanks Nick! But where's Matt?".
Chris:"he's coming".
And next thing you see is Matt walking towards you guys
"Nice fit y/n". He said sarcastically
"What ever Matt let's go in". He winked at you while your rolled your eyes, but secretly you where NERVOUS as hell. After surprising Amelia you guys ate, and music was playing also. Your phone started buzzing, "oh Hang on someone is calling me!". You walked inside
Axel:hey are you throwing a bbq?
You:ya why?
Axel:how come the triplets are there? Do you like one of them?.
You:well i don't, but we aren't even dating so why would it matter?
Axel:idk aren't we like talking tho?
Y/n"ofc! I was actually wondering if you'd like to come over and watch movies tonight!".
Axel:"yea sure! I'll see you there". You hung up and walked outside
Jackson:"who was it sissy!".
Chris:"wait you have a younger sibling?".
You:"no he's my little cousin he just calls me sissy".
Chris:"well ima teach him how to dab up!".
You guys laughed "it was Axel, he's coming over to watch movies tonight".
You looked over to Matt who looked jealous, and looked like he was giving you a death stare,
Matt:"nick I invited Diana over tonight to have dinner with us, she really likes me". He said with a grin looking at you, you squinted your eyes,
Nick:"okay sounds great!".
You:"Axel might take me to the park tonight also idk". Jess laughed knowing what was going on,
You looked at Matt and he looked at you, you mouthed to him "game on.".
Matt grinned and mouthed back "I guess so".
Check out "home" new chapter cuz there's good news at the end! Love you doves:)

Game on.-matt sturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now