8| breaking it to axel

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Y/n💗:hey Axel.. I don't think I really wanna be with you.. me and Matthew just think it's better

Axel.:whatever. I already knew your stupid plan.

Y/n💗:I'm sorry

Axel.:it's good I like Diana anyway.

That day you hung out with the triplets happily, and you and Matt where actually kinda touchy, like holding hands and resting on each other. Before you left he pulled you aside again
"Y/n.. I got a question for you.. I don't know how to put it because I don't know how you will react".

"Just ask me Matty...".

"Would you like to be my girlfriend..?".

You smiled and pulled him into a kiss

He pulled you into a hug and picked you up and spin you around too. You guys kissed again then you had to leave. Holly shit you where so happy,who wouldn't be? You felt like you won the game, you got the true person you loved.
       That night you couldn't sleep, you where way to happy, the moment kept replaying in your head over and over again. You felt like you where the golden winner.
Sorry that this chapters short! But the next chapter will be the last, and it will be long!<33

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