6|double trouble

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You wore a white skin tight dress with a slit at the bottom, You where so excited. You even posted on instagram

 You even posted on instagram

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|y/n.latte:double date<:!!| |liked by Matt.sturniolo,y/n.fanpage,and 30,000 others|
Nick.sturniolo:OMG MARRY ME OMG
Y/n.latte replied:not until you propose🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
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You guys decided you where gonna go to the ice cream place 30 min away, you drove there and saw Matt and Diana hugging,you felt kinda jealous but let it slide.  When you saw that Axel pulled up you ran up to him and hugged him, it didn't feel right. It felt super wrong it didn't feel like Matt's hug.. while eating ice cream all Axel did was have his hand on your thigh, and Matt seemed kinda jealous of it. You didn't want Axel.. you wanted Matt. Axel stood up and cleaned his throat "hey y/n the question I wanted to ask.. will you be my gf??". He held out his hand, but you just stood there in shock. You didn't want Axel,he didn't make you feel loved,it felt wrong. You where stressing out but where interrupted by Matt standing up "actually, I was gonna ask Diana to be my gf!! Will you??".
"OMG OFC!!". She gave a huge kiss on Matt's cheek and you just stood there. Wanting to cry, did last night mean nothing??.. "I'm sorry Axel, but I-I got to go". Axels smile dropped "what do you mean y/n!? All we did together why can't you say yes!?". You didn't care. "I SAID I GOT TO GO.". Matt stood there in shock with Diana, he knew what he did. And Axel was just mad you said no. But you left the place. And you actually drove home crying. Damn Matt had you hooked. And he just knew how to pull on the right strings.
Hours passed but you just lay'd in bed. You had a lot of missed calls from Matt and Axel, but you still decided to message Axel
Y/n💗:hey Axel,I'm so so sorry about today I was so stressed and something went wrong with my mom.. I'd love to be your gf

Axel😐:Thankyou y/n! And it's okay.. I understand? Do you wanna come over and watch movies??

You really didn't want to but you had nothing else better to do but cry. You put on a hoodie with shorts and headed out.
You where in the middle of the movie when your phone rang "oh sorry Nick is calling me I'll be back!". Axel kinda looked mad,when you where about to get up he put you back down "no just stay". You got a little nervous "it's about my mom so I gotta answer". He rolled his eyes and let go of you. You went outside and answered

You:"sorry it took long for me to answer.. Axel wouldn't let me at first lol

Nick:"it's okay girly.. what happened today with Matt? You guys where just cuddling last night

You:"he played mind fuck fuck. He asked Diana out.. so I got with Axel.

Nick:"oh he didn't tell me that, I'm so sorry y/n I'll always be there for you, I love you bestie".

You:"I love you to nick".
You hung up and turned around and saw Axel "is that why you got with me?? To make that Matt guy jealous!??".
"What no!! I only sad that so he wouldn't be concerned that's all I do love you I swear!".
"Then prove it and cuddle with me tonight then!".
"I will!".
You didn't want to. But next thing you where stuck cuddling him, it didn't feel like Matt's cuddle. Axels felt heavy and sweaty. You just wanted to cry. You tried getting up to use the bathroom but Axel wouldn't let you, he tightened his grip to the point it hurt "Axel your hurting me..". "Omg get over it and let me sleep!"..
The next morning you drove home as quick as you could,And when you got home you looked at your sides through the mirror, they where bruised. You didn't want anyone knowing so you covered it up with a hoodie. You where finally cracking. But you weren't gonna show it.. or are you??.
Since promised, the name of the person the surprised story is about, issssss Chris sturniolo!! Love y'all doves<3

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