5|loves in the air..

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You guys watched the rest of movie,nick was asleep so you,Chris,and Matt left, you guys continued to watch a movie in the living room. After the movie Matt and Chris went to there rooms and you walked into nicks room, where you usually sleep,but he was hogging the bed so you went to sleep on the couch.
    You where about to sleep but Matt walked out to get water and saw you.
"what are you doing y/n?".
"Nicks hogging the bed so I went to sleep on the couch,it's not a problem right?".
"What no.. neither do I care!".
You rolled your eyes and lay'd down, Matt was about to walk away but caved in, "come on y/n you can sleep in mine".
"Oh but I though you didn't care?".
"Don't make me change my mind y/n".
You quickly got up and followed him. When you walked in it actually looked cool, and it was chilly but you didn't mind. Matt hopped into his bed and noticed you where about to lay on the floor, he rolled his eyes "come on idiot u can sleep in the bed".
"But what about you??". You where confused "y/n just come on". He moved  over for you to get in, you got under the blanket but where still cold. Obv you weren't gonna tell Matt.
    A few minutes passed, but Matt couldn't sleep because he felt you shivering, and under this "game" attitude he did feel bad.."y/n, are you cold?".   "I mean kinda bu-". But he cut you off by pulling you into his chest and wrapping his arms around you. He smelt amazing,and he was warm. You felt guilty for Axel but you loved this feeling he gave you, he made you feel safe and loved just by his touch. "Matt are you sure?".  "Y/n, I love you but shh". You eyes widened.. no way he loves you.. yes way. You loved him too. Next thing you feel was him kissing your forehead and rubbing your back, you built courage to kiss him on the cheek and lay'd back down on his chest. You guys both fell asleep right after.
      You woke up to Matt playing with your hair.. "Matt you could have moved if you wanted".    "Don't make this what it seems. Okay?".    "Fine but yk your pretty warm". You guys laughed and got up. You headed home to get ready for the double date. But you where just so excited to see Matt. Love was floating in the air...
Sorry for the short chapter!! But next chapter I'll be giving the name of the person the surprise book is about!! Love you guys!!:)

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