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chapter one - the call
pairing : Dwayne hoover x gn!reader
word count : 3k
warnings : richard, talks of suicide, apologies if your last name is Sugarman, swearing


"Richard, he has no where else to go." Bringing the cigarette between her lips, she took a puff and blew the smoke out. "I'm not smoking." Her husband had heard the sound of the cigarette through the phone as she took in the smoke. "I'm not!"

Their conversation was finally ended when she arrived at the hospital. "Look, I'm at the hospital. Yeah, okay. Bye." Hanging up, she sighed.


Sheryl and her brother Frank walked through the front door into the hallway. It was quiet which was definitely unusual. "Hello?" Sheryl called out.

They both walked through the house as Sheryl explained to Frank where he was going to sleep.

"Down here, we have you with Dwayne." Whilst she talked, Frank looked around the house nervously.

Sheryl pushed the white door open to Dwayne's bedroom. "Dwayne, hi. Uncle Frank's here." Sitting up from is laying position, Dwayne looked at Frank who stood in the doorway, Frank looking back at him.

"He doesn't mind Frank, we talked." Sheryl was probably the only one doing the actual talking, Dwayne being the one refusing to speak and instead using his little notebook to communicate.


"Dwayne honey, there's a bucket of chicken in the car. Can you go and get it? And uh, I'll make a salad." Dwayne huffed in annoyance and ignored his mothers request.

"Olive?" Sheryl called out to Olive who was in the garden.


"Is grandpa with you?"


"What are you guys doing?"


"Okay, well dinner in ten minutes!"


Upon hearing this, Dwayne immediately took it upon himself to invite you to have dinner with him and his family.

Whipping out his phone, he pulled up your contact and began texting you.

Dwayne :
Can you come over for dinner today? It's going to be excruciating so i'd rather much have you here.

Y/n <333 :
Ofc! When will it be ready?

Dwayne :
10 mins.

Y/n <333:
Okay, be there in 5 :D

Dwayne smiled and turned off his phone, picking his book back up and beginning to read again.

"Dwayne, please, come on. The chicken, it's in the car. Will you set the table? We'll do paper plates tonight."

Dwayne rolled his eyes and got up to fetch the chicken from the car.


Dwayne sat at the table, waiting for his dinner to be served. Frank came in and sat next to him as Sheryl instructed, the awkwardness clearly setting in. Frank desperately tried to come up with a conversation starter.

"So, who do you hang out with?"

Dwayne paused thinking about you, then turned to Frank and shook his head.

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