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chapter four - the spectacular (weird) plan
pairing : Dwayne Hoover x gn!reader
warnings : none?
word count : 1k
a/n : i doubt any of these songs i mention would be on an iPod but anyway-


After a few hours of driving, Richard finally pulled up at a motel, so you all could rest to be ready bright and early the next day.

Sheryl gave everyone their room keys as you walked up the stairs.

"Can I sleep with Grandpa tonight?" Olive as Sheryl as she walked along side her.

"Well, you'll have to ask Grandpa."


"Well, I got two beds." Edwin gave Olive his permission to share a room with him. "You could still use some rehearsing."

"Yeah, that's what I was thinking."

"All right everybody, we have a long day tomorrow. I'll knock on your doors at seven am."

"Frank, you guys will be okay?" Sheryl asked her brother in concern.

"Yeah, we're fine."

Everyone said goodnight, and entered their rooms. You entered the room where Frank and Dwayne were.

"I'll change after you Frank." You told him. "Dwayne, you need to change too."

Dwayne shook his head at your request, making you shove him playfully.

"You're disgusting." You said, scrunching your face. Frank chuckled at you two, shaking his head.

Oh, teenagers.

Frank went into the bathroom and you and Dwayne layed on the double bed.

Through the walls, you could here Sheryl and Richard arguing.

"You don't have to listen to that Dwayne." You got up and rummaged through your duffel bag.

"Here." You handed him your iPod and put on Asleep by The Smiths. "Listen to that."

He put the earphones in his ears, the song was a low, calming melody, but it wasn't enough to drown out the yelling. You layed beside him, and wrapped your arms around his torso, watching as his lips curled into a smile.

"You're so cheeky, Dwayne." You hit him lightly, knowing he was smiling because his mother and step-father were arguing. But you didn't know he was also smiling because you were hugging him.


You guys were woken up early that morning by Richard frantically knocking on your doors and rushing you into the van.

The news had hit you like a brick.

Grandpa Edwin had died.

Olive said that he wasn't waking up, that must have been traumatic for her as she was only seven.

You looked towards Richard in the drivers seat. You actually felt sorry for him, his father just died.


The hospital wasn't that far from the motel you were staying at.

You all sat in the small waiting room, no one else there but you and the rest of the family.

Everyone sat, faces full of gloom. Olive didn't fully understand what was happening, so she just played around with the leaflets.

"Want to take an eye test?" She asked anyone who was listening. "Uncle Frank? An eye test?"

journey to love - dwayne hooverWhere stories live. Discover now