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chapter eight - "You do what you love, and fuck the rest."
pairing : Dwayne Hoover x gn!reader
word count : 1k
warnings : swearing


    Dwayne and Frank sat in a waiting area. Frank looked through a newspaper that was on the table between them and Dwayne just sat looking into space.

Frank turned the page, he found something he didn't expect.

'The surprise best-seller from America's #1 proust scholar.'

Beneath the writing was a man whom Frank had begun to Loathe. Larry Sugarman.

He sighed and put the newspaper back on the table.

Two little girls ran past, dressed in full glamour. Dwayne slightly shook his head and turned to Frank. "Let's get outta here."


The man that had put Olive into the system for her to compete entered the dressing room, asking Olive for her music. She gave it to him and told him she wanted track #12 to play.


On the peer, Dwayne and Frank where looking out to sea, embracing the wind.

"Sometimes I just wish I could go to sleep till I was eighteen, and skip all this crap-high school and everything-just skip it." Dwayne rested his arms on the wood and his chin on them.

"You know Marcel Proust?" Frank asked his nephew.

"He's the guy you teach." Dwayne replied as he turned to look at him.

"Yeah. French writer, total loser."

They both smiled at each other.

"Never had a real job. Unrequited love affairs. Gay. Spent twenty years writing a book almost no one reads. But he's also probably the greatest writer since Shakespeare. Anyway, he uh-he gets down to the end of his life and he looks back and decides that all those years he suffered, those were the best years of his life, 'cause they made him who he was. All the years he was happy? You know, total waste. Didn't learn a thing."

Dwayne averted his eyes in thought.

"So, if you sleep until you're eighteen, ugh, think of the suffering you're gonna miss! I mean, high school? High school-those are your prime suffering years. You don't get better suffering than that."

"You know what?" Dwayne slowly lifted himself. "Fuck beauty contests. Life is one fucking beauty contest after another. You know, school, then college, then work? Fuck that. And fuck the Air Force Academy. If I wanna fly, I'll find a way to fly. You do what you love, and fuck the rest."

"I'm glad you're talking again Dwayne. You're not nearly as stupid as you look."

They both chuckled and Dwayne shook his head, turning back around and went back to gazing into the horizon.

"Well, my dreams were basically crushed and-well, Y/n clearly wanted me to start talking again."

"Y/n? I saw what happened on that hill you know, I'm sure everyone else did too, but they probably won't say anything about it until you're comfortable."

"What, when they confessed to me?"

Frank nodded.

"We've been friends for a really long time, I just don't want it to go to shit when they potentially lose feelings for me, because I know I'll never lose feelings for them."

journey to love - dwayne hooverWhere stories live. Discover now