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chapter two - road trip
pairing : Dwayne Hoover x gn!reader
word count : 1k
warnings : swearing, richard, talks of sex
a/n : this chapter is short because i'd like to write it when they switch places or the camera cuts you know what i mean? :)


    A day later, you and the Hoover's were on the road, with you tagging along after pestering your parents to let you go. They liked Dwayne, so they didn't mind you spending a few days with him.

Richard was the one driving the van, Sheryl was in the passenger seat, in the middle seats, were Frank and Olive, and right at the back was Dwayne and Grandpa Edwin, you in between them.

Dwayne was reading his book, Olive was listening to her music, and everyone else was just doing their own thing.

"Jesus, I'm tired. I'm so fucking tired." Edwin broke the comfortable silence. "Do you know how tired I am?" He turned to Dwayne. "If some girl came up to me, begged me to fuck her, I couldn't do it."

Thank god Olive was listening to music and couldn't hear her Grandfather's vulgarities.

"That's how tired I am."

"Dad? Watch the language, huh?" Richard turned to look at his father in the back who was complaining.

"She's listening to music. Olive, I'll give you a million dollars if you turn around." Edwin said to try and prove a point to Richard, and it worked, she still bobbed her head to the song playing and didn't hear Edwin's words at all. "See?"

"Alright. But the rest of us."

"Oh, the rest of you." The old man reached over you and tapped Dwayne on the arm. "Can I give you some advice?"

Dwayne shook his head no, which made you giggle.

"Well, I'm gonna give it to you anyway. I don't want you making the same mistakes I made."

You turned you attention to Edwin in interest.

"Can't wait to hear this." Richard knew his father way too well.

"Dwayne-That's your name, right? Dwayne?"

You looked between Dwayne and his grandfather, wondering why he wouldn't know his own grandson's name. Sheryl also looked at Richard with the same look.

"This is the voice of experience talking. Are you listening?"

Dwayne wasn't listening.

"Fuck a lot of women, Dwayne."

What vulgar advice to give to a fifteen year old.

"Hey! Dad!"

"Not just one woman, a lot of women."

Frank turned around, smirking at Edwin.

"That's enough, all right?" Richard could be heard from the front.

"Are you getting any?"


"You can tell me Dwayne, are you getting any?"

"Come on, please?" Richard was basically begging Edwin to shut up.

Dwayne shook his head.

"No? Jesus. You're what, fifteen? My god man!"

Well, fifteen year olds wouldn't be having sex, you thought to yourself.

"Dad!" The middle-aged man was getting tired of shouting to his dad at this point.

journey to love - dwayne hooverWhere stories live. Discover now