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chapter seven - Love Will Tear Us Apart
pairing : Dwayne Hoover x gn!reader
word count : 633
warnings : none?
a/n : I recommend to go straight to listening to love will tear us apart by joy division lol


    Dwayne's head was rested in your lap whilst you played with his hair. Everyone else was looking for the entrance to where the pageant was taking place, arguing which was the best way to turn.

Dwayne closed his eyes, you guessed he didn't want to hear the bickering going on. So you picked up your iPod and gave it to him, letting him choose what song to play.

He took it from you, his longer fingers pressing the buttons, once he had decided what he wanted to listen to, he offered you an earphone. "Here, listen to my amazing taste in music."

Giggling, you took it from him and placed it in your ear, going back to playing with his hair.

Now playing...Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division

When routine bites hard and ambitions are low
And resentment rides high but emotions won't grow
And we're changing our ways, taking different roads

Then love, love will tear us apart again
Love, love will tear us apart again

Why is the bedroom so cold turned away on your side?
Is my timing that flawed our respect run so dry?
Yet there's still this appeal that we've kept through our lives

But love, love will tear us apart again
Love, love will tear us apart again

Do you cry out in your sleep all my failings exposed?
And there's a taste in my mouth as desperation takes hold
Is it something so good just can't function no more?

You drummed the beat on Dwayne's head as the song played, he didn't mind though.

When love, love will tear us apart again
Love, love will tear us apart again

Love, love will tear us apart again
Love, love will tear us apart again

"Amazing taste Dwayne, absolute perfection." You smiled down at him as he looked up at you. Frank watched the interaction, looking away smiling and shaking his head.


It was a job and a half reaching the building. With Richard going down the wrong road and everybody shouting the way to get there.

"You drove past it!" "You've gotta turn around!"


Richard finally drove into the parking lot, making a turn then quickly stopping in a random space, not even bothering if he was also taking up the space next to him.

The car door broke off as Frank quickly rushed to open it. Everyone ran to the entrance as fast as they could.

You entered a room full of little girls dressed in sparkly skirt and dresses adorned with heavy makeup and extremely styled hair.

Everyone rushed the the table where you entered the pageant. You and Dwayne kept yourselves behind, looking astonished at all of the girls that surrounded you.

"Hello? Hi, we'd like to register."

You listened as the woman told them that they were four minutes 'late., and watched as Richard got onto his knees and begged the woman to let them enter. The woman wouldn't budge, and when she left, the man next to her had Olive enter the competition. He began telling Richard how he was going to quit working there.


You followed Sheryl and Olive as they made their way into the dressing room. You looked around at the girls getting spray tanned and their makeup done. All you could do was pray for Olive.

"Okay Olive, let's get your swimsuit on. Do you wanna get changed behind the curtain?"

"This is the last touch-up everybody. Final touch-ups, last touch-up." A woman dressed in work uniform came into the room.

end of chapter seven.

journey to love - dwayne hooverWhere stories live. Discover now