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chapter three - gas station
pairing : Dwayne Hoover x gn!reader
warnings : none?
word count : 511
a/n : a bit short sorry :)


Soon enough, you were back on the road. You had fallen asleep on Dwayne's shoulder, and Richard was telling a story with Frank adding some occasional replies.

"Oh, how about that!" Frank said, sarcasm dripping from his voice, with Sheryl smirking at his remark.

Richard looked it frank through the rearview mirror, then at Sheryl, then back at Frank.

"Yeah, and I can detect that note of sarcasm there Frank."

"What sarcasm? I didn't- I didn't hear it."

"But I want you to know something. I feel sorry for you."

"You do? Good."

Sheryl was enjoying the scene of her husband arguing with her brother and him just brushing him off with excellent sarcasm.

"Yeah, I do. Because sarcasm is the refuge of losers." Richard nodded as he spoke.

"It is?" Frank acted like he didn't know what Richard was talking about.


"Sarcasm is losers trying to bring winners down to their level, and that's step four in the program."

"Wow Richard, you've really opened my eyes to what a loser I am. How much do I owe you for those pearls of wisdom?"

"That one's on the house buddy." "It is?" "Okay guys, that's enough." "It's on the house."

All of the yelling had woken you up from your slumber. You lifted your head from Dwayne's shoulder and peered up at him.

"What's going on?"

Dwayne shook his head, basically telling you not to bother. The yelling had also woken Edwin.


Richard had gotten a call from his boss, but the signal wasn't great, so he pulled the van over at the nearest gas station.

You sat with Dwayne as he did some push ups, you counting for him.

"Why don't you just count yourself? Why do I have to do it?" You complained to your best friend.

He just looked up at you and gave you a look to tell you to keep going and stop complaining.

"Okay, fine-9, 10..."


Dwayne had finally fulfilled his goal to at least 20 push-ups. So you both went back to the van where Edwin and Frank were sat chit chatting away.

You didn't know what was going on with Sheryl and Richard, but it looked like she was angry at him, as she got in the van, slammed the door and ignored him.


It had been at least two minutes after leaving the gas station.

The van was quiet, too quiet. No faint music playing in the background, no humming or patting of feet.

You turned to Dwayne, and it seemed he noticed the unusual silence too.

He picked up his notebook and began scribbling and tapped his uncle's shoulder, showing him the writing.

"'Where's Olive?'" Frank read aloud to everyone.

Sheryl looked at Richard, then behind her where Olive should be, but wasn't. "Oh!"


Thank goodness for Olive being a little angel, as she was waiting for you all to come back for her.

"Come on Olive!" You all shouted for her to jump in. Frank taking he hand and pulling her up.

Thankfully, she got in the van and sat in her usual seat, safe and sound.

end of chapter three.

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