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"I'm sorry Knight, I only see you as a friend. Don't take this the wrong way, I just think we aren't very compatible. You know?"

"It's alright, I understand."


The party had been a anniversary of when the kingdom was created. The Hollyberry Kingdom was known of the many extravagant events they have yearly, many people from many different kingdoms travel to get to experience even one of these events. But out of the sight of most of the people joining in the socialization, Knight stumbled towards the couch where Pitaya was resting. Knight finally flopped on the couch next to them, out of sight of anyone else on the party.

"Little cookie, what are you doing?" Knight didn't respond, only resting his head on Pitaya's shoulder. Pitaya moved away and grabbed Knight's hands, tugging them near their chest. Knight made a face at that.

"Don't call ME little cookie, you dragon! I-imma just lay here. Sick." Knight tried to tug his hands free, but it was no use, Knight was too drunk to fight back.

"Your acting ssssssso childisssssh. You didn't even anssssswer my quessssssstion." Knight stopped struggling, giving up on getting his hands freed.

"Mayyyybeeeee sooooooo. But youuuuuu need to loosen up!" Knight pointed at Pitaya, or tried is best to. Pitaya seemed mildly annoyed by comment.

"Ansssswer me. Why are you acting that way?" Pitaya let go of his hands and grabbed his face, squeezing is cheeks together.

Knight barely was able to mumble, "Don't grab my face."

"Will you anssssswer me? Or at leasssssst leave me alone?" Pitaya tugged Knight's face close to theirs. Knight face grew red and finally pushed Pitaya's hands away.

"Yes, YES!"

"Done ssssssshout."

"The music is loud, I don't think anyone can even hear us. Ok. Ok. Sooooooo Pitaya? You sooooo warm, it's weird. You kno- hmmmp" Pitaya suddenly kissed Knight on the lips. The surprise started melt away as Knight leaned into the kiss. Pitaya placed their arm around Knight's waist. Then Pitaya pulled away.

"Hasssssn't anyone told you to be resssssssspectful of othersssssss. Perhapsssss you drank to much?"

"P-Pitaya. Can we please go to my room? Please?"

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