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It had been three days since the docking at the mysterious island. Unfortunately though, the crew had decided it was best to head back to Phoenix drop, one reason being they were running low on supplies, but another resting on everyone's minds.

Sage had begun using her magick abilities to benefit her newfound friends, clearing the skies when convenient or something otherwise. Vylad had grown slightly closer to Sage, not enough for him to class the pair as friends - but enough to be able to confide in each other if needed.

Laurence and Sage on the other hand...they had grown very close. So close in fact, that they had begun harmlessly flirting with each other. 'Simple banter' as Laurence would call it, but deep down there was something telling him that it wasn't that simple.


Sage awoke on the boat to a fully burnt out lantern and a large piece of parchment acting as a deformed pillow, she'd fallen asleep again. The recent days on the boat had influenced Sage to help Travis with navigation. Seeing as she had quite a vast travel experience it was most reasonable for her to map out the recognisable regions.

"Good morning, I see you stayed up even though I told you to get some rest, again." The stern voice of her white-haired friend sounded as he sauntered into the kitchen. Sage simply groaned in defeat, she knew he was right, and there was no point arguing this early in the day anyway. Travis laughed to himself lightly before nodding towards the map, "Y'know, when you said you could help, I didn't think too much into it. If I'd have refused your help, I wouldn't have known about the hidden elven city of Eudorani. How do you know so much about it if it's supposedly so secret?" He pondered aloud, his questions were more or less asked in such a carefree way.

By now Sage had moved herself away from the table and slouched carefully over to the basin, wiping a clear layer of cold water over her sleep-induced face.
"I'm not actually aware of the extent to my knowledge of Eudorani, I guess it just kind of pops up in clumps. I've never actually been able to remember if I ever visited Eudorani, but for some reason whenever I think about it, it feels like an extremely distant memory." She answered, she felt more awake now.

Travis hummed thoughtfully in response, focusing carefully on preparing a decent breakfast for the group. He knew not to push too many questions upon Sage, too much to focus on resulted in her closing off everything completely and a panicked yet dormant state taking over both her mind and body. He discovered this when he first met her all those years ago, he'd asked too much about the life of pixies and faced the consequences of her shut down state. Travis had soon after been told that she goes into that state as a form of protection against her magicks, her magick apparently goes haywire whenever she becomes panicked or a large outburst of negative emotion enfolds her.

"What are you attempting to make today?" The pixie asked sarcastically, she knew Travis couldn't make anything edible without either undercooking or overcooking it, she still thought it to be sweet whenever he offered or attempted to surprise anyone with a freshly made meal.

Travis shrugged at her question, a slight grin growing on his face. He mumbled something and went to find something in the bookshelf. Sage watched the demon-warlock carefully, her left hand thoughtfully propping her head upon it as she leant herself against a counter.

She giggled lightly when an orange fell on Travis' head, bouncing straight off his fluffy hair and splatted straight onto the stone floor right before he turned and slipped on it, with the action resulting in him body slamming the floor and pulling down quite a few utensils with him as he flailed his arms about in hopes of them latching onto something to keep him upright.

By now loud but happy laughter could be heard echoing from the young pixie, her smile wider than ever and her hair bouncing lightly as she attempted controlling her laughter. If you looked close enough, you could notice small tears of joy forming in the corners of her eyes.

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