Dimensionsal Visitors

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*Background: Inside the academy, Claire is practicing a new spell. But something goes awry, causing the spell to produce an unexpected effect.*

*Claire POV*

"Ugh! Why won't this work?!" I yell to myself, frustrated. This should be easy for me, so why can't I seem to get it down? That Commoner seemed to effortlessly cast this, so if she can do it, why can't I?!

I'll show her, there's nothing a Francois can't do! I focus all my energy into my wand, and I see it beginning to glow with energy. Ha, I'm doing it, I knew I could!

The purple energy surrounding my wand fills me with pride. Wait a second... wasn't the energy supposed to be blue?

As soon as I come to that realization, a ball of purple energy shoots out from my wand towards the ground. It impacts the ground in a flash of blinding purple light, sending out a shockwave that knocks me onto my butt.

After that, Lene and that Commoner enter the courtyard come rushing to my side, helping me up.

"Lady Claire! Lady Claire, are you okay?" The Commoner frantically asks.

"Yes, yes, I'm perfectly fine," I reply, wiping the dirt off of my uniform.

"My lady, may I ask about what exactly I'm looking at right now?" Lene asks, pointing at the large, lingering mass of purple energy.

"I was testing out a new spell, and as you can see, it didn't exactly go according to plan," I shamefully admit.

"Yeah, that's putting it lightly!" An unknown voice calls out from within the purple energy.

"Did... did that ball of energy just talk to us?" The Commoner asks, clearly surprised.

After she asks that, the energy starts to dissipate. As it does, I notice two feminine figures standing inside of it, Hmm, why do they look familiar?

"That's... another Rae, and another Lady Claire?! What is going on here?" Lene asks, baffled.

What is she- wait, that is another me, and another version of the Commoner as well! Who are they, are they evil clones or something?

"Uh, what exactly is going on here?" The one who looks like my Commoner asks. Ugh, for some reason that alternate Commoner's face annoys me even more than my own version.

My Commoner immediately rushes to defensively get in front of me, as she asks with full seriousness "who are you, what are you doing here?"

"Are you blind or something? I am the esteemed Claire Francois, you best remember that!" That other me states, wait, how could she be me?! Also, how dare she take that tone at one of my servants?!

"I'm Rae Taylor, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," that other Commoner says, bowing. So there's another Commoner as well? Ugh, seeing her act like this is weird, I don't like it.

"It would do you well not to lie to me, impostors. I am Claire Francois, and this Commoner is Rae Taylor, so there's no way you two could be who you claim!" I declare, angry at their attempts of deception.

"I agree Lady Claire, they must be assassins of some sort. Stand behind me, I will not let them hurt you," Lene states, joining that Commoner in protecting me.

"It's ironic to hear you talk of deception, Lene," the other me bitterly states, glaring at her. Hearing that causes Lene to slightly stop talking. Lene and deception, what could she have possibly meant by that?

"This must be some sort of misunderstanding, we should all just calm down..." The other Commoner states.

My Commoner isn't saying anything, she's just staring at them, almost like she's studying them, I can never tell what she's thinking.

"Hey, you claim to be me, correct? I must ask that we speak in private, follow me," My commoner says to the other one, as she motions for her to follow.

"O-okay, right behind you!" She states, following her to some isolated corner.

"So you, are you truly another me? Where did you come from?" I ask the look alike.

"If you are asking if I am Claire Francois, then yes. As for what I'm doing here, I don't know. One minute I was yelling at that Commoner for talking to Rod, the next I'm here," the other me states.

"So, did I summon you by accident somehow? I didn't even know magic was capable of summoning other versions of yourself, hah, I finally have something even she can't do!" I joyously state, giving a proud chuckle.

"That's... um... quite amazing, Lady Claire. There is one small problem though, how will we return them to their original worlds?" Lene awkwardly asks. Is she scared of the other me, why?

"Oh well that's quite simple, we just... uh... huh, yeah, I've got nothing," I ashamedly admit.

"Hey! You brought me here, so you better return me, this instant!" The other me angrily spats. Why is this alternate me so rude?

*Rae POV*

"Wait, you're Claire's maid? Why would you willingly serve someone like her?" The original Rae states. How can I explain this to her without giving away what I am? Ugh, this is starting to get annoying.

"We may be the same person, but I just have different... preferences, that's all. I find Claire to be quite charming, actually," I happily state.

"I don't see how you could see her as anything other than an annoying bully, but if that makes you happy, then I can't really judge," she says.

"You're right, you can't. But anyways, you and her are not supposed to be here, so we've
got to get you two home immediately," I assertively claim.

"How are we supposed to do that, exactly?"

"If we pool our energy, it should be no trouble for us. Just follow my lead and you'll be fine

"So I know you're supposed to be me, but you act quite different, why is that?"

"Well, we are different versions of each other, it's only natural that we'd have some differences, right?"

"Yeah, fair enough. But hey, if you like Claire so much, how about I just leave mine here while I return home alone?" The original me asks, smirking.

"Absolutely not, like it or not, she's going home with you. Honestly, if you just took the time to befriend her, I'm sure you'd enjoy her company," I state.

"I doubt it, but... I suppose I'll give it a try, for you. Well then, let's get me and her home, shall we?"

"It's her and I, but grammatical errors aside, let's do this,"

*Claire POV*

"So you're Commoner is straight? That's quite interesting. Is there anything else that's different?" I ask my counterpart.

"Well you still have Lene, so I assume IT hasn't happened yet," she states.

"Huh? What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

After I ask that question, Lene seems to turn as white as a ghos- nope, not using that metaphor!

"So she hasn't-" as she begins talking, the purple energy envelops her once more, and she's gone in an instant. Lene seems oddly relieved for some reason, and she's honestly starting to worry me.

"Lady Claire! It seems the spell must've worn off or something, because they both just suddenly disappeared. I wish I knew how you did that though, a spell like that is amazing, just like you Lady Claire!" The Commoner says, running up to me.

"Hah, I've finally found something I'm better at than you! Now if only I knew how to replicate it," I say, completely forgetting about whatever I was worried about.

"Well, that's a challenge for another day, I believe it's lunch time, after all!" The commoner excitedly announces, grabbing my hand and leading me to eat, as Lene follows behind, her smile back upon her face.

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