The Midnight Encounter (Vampire Claire Request)

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*This is a request by @Icarus223! I hope you like it, also, happy early Halloween!*

*A vampire Claire, surrounded in the forest, is nearly killed when a certain werewolf comes to her aid.*

*Claire POV*

Ugh, I've really done it now, haven't I? It seems I was a bit too careless in my hunt tonight, as I caught the attention of a few hunters. Well, I say a few, but it's more like their entire division seems to be hunting me right now. I'm trying to remain positive... but honestly, things aren't looking very good for me. I hear their voices get closer, they're gaining ground, and fast.

"Find her!"

"That monster can't have gone far!"

"Her head will make a nice trophy!"

They seem really determined to kill me, I wish I knew why. It's not like I kill people. Yeah, I have to drink their blood, but I never kill them! I'm very particular when it comes to that, I loathe killing.

They don't seem to share that same sentiment, though. Do they truly hate us vampires that much? I feast out of necessity, yet they seem to revel in their hunt. If I'm fast enough, maybe I can lose them. My thoughts are interrupted by a sharp pain in my ankle.

"Gyah!" I shout in pain as I fall over. It seems I got shot in the ankle by a crossbow, of all the places to be hit!

"She's down, surround her!" I hear what I assume it their leader order. Soon enough, I'm surrounded by about 7 or 8 hunters.

This is really it, isn't it? Unless she can get to me in time, then I don't have much of a chance. Can't say this is how I expected to die... no, I can't think like that! It's her we're talking about, I'm sure that Mutt will make it in time.

"We've finally got you, monster!" I hear the assumed leader say, reloading his crossbow. I simply stare at him in silence.

After a few seconds of this, he talks again. "What, nothing to say? You're not going to, curse us out, or beg for your life? How boring," he states.

"If I did that, I'd just be giving you what you want, now wouldn't I?" I respond. This seems to anger him, as he shoots a crossbow bolt directly into my shoulder.

"Agh!" I scream out in pain as the bolt lodges into my shoulder.

"Come on, scream for me!" He shouts, earning a weird look from two of his subordinates. They seem to be a pair of young, blonde girls, possibly twins.

"Uh, sir, is this really necessary? I've got a feeling that something bad is about to happen if we don't leave here soon," one of the girls states, looking worried.

"Hah, stop being paranoid. We've finally caught a Noble Vampire, so why not have a little fun with her, you know?" He asks, a sickening smile forming on his lips.

"First off, eww. Second off, I'm telling you sir, there's something else in this woods with us, and if we don't leave quick, we're going to die. I can sense it," she says, looking worried.

"There's nothing out there, if there was, we would've seen-" his response is cut off by a howling coming from the distance. That howling... it took her long enough to get here.

"See?! You all heard that, right? There's something out there, so we need to hurry up and leave!" The other girl screams, looking even more panicked than she was.

"Enough! If you all are so interested in the noise, then go deal with it! I'll handle little miss blood-sucker over here, so go!" He orders, as the subordinate freezes.

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