Anxiety Attack

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Anxiety Attack

Kai's POV

   I'm currently observing a case that Amelia is working on... but I'm feeling incredibly anxious. My heart is racing, I'm breaking out in a sweat, and feel nauseous. I'm trying my best to hide it, but Amelia can see right through my act. As soon as I'm down finishing my notes, I politely excuse myself out of the room and dash to an empty on call room. I lock the door and instantly break down. I've been holding back my tears for forty five minutes now and just can't do so any longer. 

     This particular case that Amelia is working on hits VERY close to home for me and I truthfully don't know if I can continue to work on it. If I have to, I'll have to do so in moderation. My small cries turn into full on sobs. After a couple of minutes, there's a loud knock on the door. "Kai, are you in there? It's Amelia. I know you're not okay and I want to comfort you. Please let me in." With shaky hands, I quickly unlock the door to let Amelia in. I turn away from her though because I hate her seeing me like this. I've never been this weak in front of her." She immediately pulls me into a hug and locks the door behind her so nobody walks in on us.

      "Kai, is this case triggering you?" I nod through sobs and she sighs in sadness. "I'm so sorry Kai. If I had known that this case was going to bother you so much, I never would have assigned it to you. I saw this as a great research opportunity for you, but it's not worth putting your mental health as risk. I feel like a shitty person for having caused you this unnecessary pain." I whimper. "I-It's not your fault A-Amelia, it's mine. I respectfully should have declined the offer to assist on this case. You were being generous to me as you always are and I-I love that so much about you. In fact, I-I...." 

         My heart is beating out of my chest and I rush over to the trash can, vomiting into it twice. My throat hurts and my mouth tastes disgusting. Throwing up does make me anxious, but it does help to get it out of my system. I can feel Amelia holding my hair back as I wind up vomiting a third time before I'm actually finished. There is nothing but concern and tenderness on Amelia's face. "Kai, I'm not leaving you. I'm staying with you until you're okay again, however long it takes." She quickly sends a page that she is not available for any more surgeries today unless it's an absolute emergency. 

        I stare in her stunning blue eyes that remind of the sky on a sunny, clear day. "Gosh Amelia, you're absolutely wonderful. I-I..." She tilts her head with a soft smile on her face. "What is it Kai?" I sniffle and wipe some snot away, taking a breath before I'm able to speak aloud again. My hands begin to shake and Amelia takes them in hers, rubbing them gently. After a minute, I realize that this is her comforting me yet with her massive heart. Oh Amelia Shepherd, I'm falling in love with you. I began to realize that recently and that's another thing that makes me anxious. I've never done well with my experiences in love... I can't let that hold me back forever though. Amelia is a catch and I'd be a damn fool to let this particular opportunity slip away from me.

        Amelia then hands me a cup of water to hydrate a bit and she switches from rubbing my hands to rubbing my back in gentle circles. I look down at her (due to our height difference obviously) and give her a tired smile. A yawn slips out and I end up leaning my head on her shoulder. "Kai... I like you." I open my mouth and yawn again. "T-Thank you Amelia. I like you too... I-I really like you... if you know what I mean..." Amelia breaks out into a full smile that takes my breath away. "A-Are you saying you have feelings for me? If so, I-I have feelings for you too." I gasp. "R-Really?" She nods and moves closer to my face, until our lips are barely an inch apart. Suddenly, a wave of courage washes over me and I seal the gap between us, kissing her tenderly but yet passionately. 

        Amelia kisses me back with an equal amount of gentleness but passionate. We end up kissing each other as if both of us have been starving for kisses for so long. When do finally pull apart after a couple of minutes, both of us are winded and need to catch our breath. That was hands down the best kiss I've ever had. Amelia and I are both grinning from ear to ear while my arms are still wrapped around her waist. I bite my lip as I continue gazing at her lovingly. "Was that your way of telling me that you want to be my girlfriend?" She blushes and nods shyly. I pull her in for a hug. "I accept that offer. You've been nothing but kind to me, including during my anxiety just now. Not many people would drop what they're doing to comfort someone in the way that you just comforted me these days. It means a lot to me, thank you." 

        Amelia holds onto me tight but not tight enough to crush me or cause my anxiety to flare up again just as I'm beginning to calm down. "I've had a thing for you since the very first day we met Kai. I was instantly attracted to you and wanted to get to know you more. I'm so glad that we've gotten closer and now I can refer to you as my partner. As cheesy as it sounds, it feels like a dream come true." I kiss her on the top of the forehead. "The feeling is mutual my dear." The two of us sit next to each other holding hands for nearly another hour, just ridding the joyous high that both of us are now on. 


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