Take Me Down to the Riptide

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Take Me Down to the Riptide

Amelia's POV

  Kai and I are having our first ever beach day date and it's going swimmingly (see what I did there). It's the perfect temperature today for a beach day, eighty-five degrees with just the right amount of sun. The humidity is almost nonexistent and neither Kai or my own hair has turned into a frizzy disaster yet so hooray for that! The sand feels absolutely incredible on my skin as I plop myself down onto my beach towel, rummaging for my bottle of sunscreen. Kai grins at me. "You burn like a lobster at the beach, don't you?" I snort. "Is it that obvious? Kai, you should put some on too. I know you don't burn as badly as I do, but I don't want either of us to end up getting skin cancer. So I'm humbly asking you to please apply some sunscreen on your skin." 

     Kai gives me a soft smile. "Fine, but only because you asked so nicely." They watch me put mine on before I toss them the bottle to do the same. As they do, I'm just memorized by the sight of them. I didn't know it was possibly for a human being to be so attractive, but Kai has broken that threshold with their level of attractiveness. The two of us lounge around for a bit trying to get a tan before Kai pulls me towards the ocean with a child like glee. The waves start off gentle but a get a bit more rough. I can't stop laughing like a little kid as Kai shows me all of the tricks that they can do in the water, most of which I've never been able to do. Kai also happens to be super flexible and I'm envious of that. 

        I try to replicate some of their tricks upon request and wind up falling flat on my face. Kai laughs a bit before gently lifting me back up. As I look into their eyes, my anxiousness fades away and all I want to do is kiss them... so I do. Our lips have a slight saltwater flavor, but I savor the kiss. I've never been one to mind the taste of saltwater too much so I'm enjoying this kiss. Kai's tongue sinks deeper into my mouth and I nearly moan in front of a couple behind us holding hands. I'm blushing like a tomato as Kai and I pull apart and that couple is silently nodding in approval at us. 

      The two of us continue to swim for a bit before we get out to dry off and attempt at tanning a bit more. I feel so relaxed with Kai on this beach today. This is both the most relaxed and at peace that I've felt in a long time. I could honestly stay on this beach with my amazing partner forever. Today was Kai and I's first day off in weeks and we're truly cherishing it.

About twenty minutes later...

  I doze off and fall asleep for at least an hour and when I wake up, I find Kai drawing in the sand. It takes a few minutes for my eyes to adjust both to the sun and to see what Kai is drawing, which turns out to me a cartoon version of us saying "I love you" to one another. It's the sweetest gesture ever and it makes me tear up. Kai can sense me staring at them and looks at me with a soft smile. "Do you like it?" I smile back at him and a tear slips down my cheek that Kai quickly wipes away with their thumb. "I love it, I love you. Thank you Kai." They blush and cup my cheek. "You're very welcome my love." I cup their cheek back and give them a hug. I'm just as much a hugger as I am a kisser when it comes to being a lover. 

        I lean my head on Kai's shoulder and we stay on the beach until the sun begins to set. "Best beach day ever." Kai kisses me on top of my forehead. "I couldn't agree with you more Amelia. By the way, I'd go down to the riptide with you any time." "The feeling is mutual Kai." 

Kaimelia One Shots (Kai x Amelia) (Grey's Anatomy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now