Depression is a B*tch

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Depression is a B*tch

Amelia's POV

  Depression is a major bitch... I've been experience severe depression for nearly a week now. Everything has been dragging me, every little thing has been irritating me to the extreme, and my energy level is extremely low. I just don't see the point in trying right now... I don't know if anything is worth doing anymore. The only reasons I'm still around are Scout, my amazing baby boy and Kai, my wonderful love. Without the both of them, I would crumble. I've also taken a two week long leave of absence from work due to my poor mental health. I've been working seven days a week for three months straight. I'm beyond burnt out currently...

   Kai happens to be off from work for a few days so they are helping me take care of Scout while Maggie is at work. It's very kind of them to help me even though they've never been overly fond of children. Somehow, Scout has managed to seep into their heart more than they care to admit. Scout is just a bundle of joy, my pride and joy. Although I have a lot of regrets from my relationship with Link, having our son Scout was not one of them. Link and I are also finally civil now, which definitely helps with our joint custody of Scout. I was dreading having to face off against him in court, but thankfully, we were able to avoid that by forgiving one another for our faults. 

    Kai sits down on the edge of the bed as I continue to blankly stare up at the ceiling. My hair is a tangled mess and I reek of body odor (I haven't showered in three days). They sigh sadly and gently kiss me on the forehead. "My love, it kills me to see you so down. I know you've been exhausted and your work schedule has taken a toll on you. I also know you've been wanting to shower, but haven't had the energy to do so. I was wondering if I could help you shower? Would you be okay with that?" I contemplate that for a moment before nodding slowly. Kai gives me a small smile and scoops me up into their arms. "Scout is currently down for a nap so we have plenty of time to shower. I'll even join you because I could one myself. Afterwards, I'll brush your hair for you. I know how much that relaxes you love." 

        I bury my face in the crook of their neck until they sit me down on the toilet, helping me take off my clothes before taking of theirs. They then start the shower and it takes a couple of minutes for it to warm up properly. When it does, they help me into the shower and begin lathering both of us with soap. I meekly scrub at my body, but Kai does most of the work. After the soap has dissipated, we then move onto shampoo and conditioner. I moan when Kai rubs the shampoo and conditioner into my hair in slow, soothing circles. The smell of the tea tree mint is quite pleasant. We stay in the shower for another twenty minutes to enjoy the sensation of the warm water pelting on our skin before Kai finally shuts off the shower. 

          I pull them into a warm (but obviously wet) embrace, caressing every inch of their chest and back. I whisper "I love you" to them in their ear. They smile softly at me and tell me that they "love me to the moon and back." Without another word, we grab my haircare products and hairbrush for Kai to brush my rather tangled hair. I sit down at one of the kitchen chairs and try not to whimper as Kai navigates a few horrible tangles before I begin to relax as they continue to brush my hair. No one else has ever done this for me before in previous relationships, it just melts my heart. This type of gesture also makes me feel safe. I watch them lovingly as they then brush their beautiful head of hair out. The two of us then put our wet towels in the hamper and collapse onto the sofa, falling asleep in each others arms just a short time later... I really love Kai with all of my heart. They are my safe haven, truly. 

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