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Echo: My eye hurts.... e-y-e..

Crimson: E-y-e.... thats ewe- 

Echo: ...............................Are you fricking serious? 

Crimson: yeah- 

Echo: ...E-w-e is ewe..

Crimson: No? e-y-e- OH- My BaD-


V, playing a video game: How do you- 

Tobby: is it updog? 

V: ...what? 

Tobby: *pokes his cheek* updog!

V: What..... what is up dog? 

Tobby: *bursts into laughter* 


Tobby: *dying* 

V: Well aren't you proud of yourself-


Orb: Why are you so paranoid? 

Crimson: *points to echo* THAT- That thing walks into every situation with 0 care for it's life- and I formed an emotional bond- so I have to protect it.


Hope: I! Want a pet snake! So- I could like- walk around the house and have another being touching me at all times!

Sloth: .... IM RIGHT HERE-

Hope: Soo... can I have a snake?


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