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Claire: ok- what's one time your brain was really on crack?

Sloth: I tried to capitalize a 4 once..

Crimson: one time I threw a bowl of cereal at my bed.. Thought it was my phone-

Echo: *dying of laughter in the background*

Clover: Once I paid for my food at the first window and drove away and went home.. Forgot I was hungry.

Hope: Last night I dropped my curling rod on my foot, so I screamed and fell over thinking I got burned........ it wasn't plugged in-

Echo: Bro, one time I turned on the light to see if I blew out a candle-

Moss: I was at court one time and I forgot what to call the judge so I called him "Your Majesty" and when he asked me to repeat it I REPEATED IT-

Liam: Once I went to read out the words 'Medium Meal' to a customer and all that came out was 'meep meep'.... I didn't even try to correct myself I just stared..


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