Oc Vines

38 3 88

Nightfall/Nighty = dayinity's Oc, Brie - Not_Adii's Oc, Adii = Not_Adii, Maddie = Midnightrosekitty's Oc.

Mah Oc's = Crisis/Cri, Spirit, Sin and Claire (Me). 

Mah brothers Oc's and...cousins = Maize, Lavender,  Ember and Light

Maybe a few piggy peeps-


Ember: KITTY- WHY DO YOU RUN FROM ME! *Chases Brie with his spear* I WANT TO SING YOU A SONG! ~HeLlO lItTlE KitTy- 


Radio: *Plays Jingle bells* 

Claire: *Dances to the moosic*

Maddie: *opens the door* Why are you playing Christmas music in NOVEMBER?? 

Claire: *stops dancing and turns around* You are not welcome here- GET OUT OF MY HOUSE-! 


Light: *literally got stabbed by Ember's spear* Well its been a great day today. Can't wait for more- *Cries*


Claire: Alright lets uh- lets check the patch notes for the Sims 3. Kleptomaniac Sims can no longer steal subway stations from lots. *laughs a little while reading* Sims can no longer Woohoo in the elevator with a sim who is on a different floor- The Grim Reaper will no longer be prevented from reaping souls due to band affiliation. Fixed a tuning issue so that Sims- *Wheezes and laughs while reading* Vomit. at .acceptable. levels- it is not longer possible to- *wheezes while reading* try for baby with the Grim Reaper- *struggles to read and laughs ALOTTTT* become enemies with child option no longer appears. Sims who are on fire will no longer be forced to- *continues to laugh while reading* attend graduation before they can put themselves out. Pregnant Sims can no longer brawl. Baby Sims will no longer be stuck to a Sims hand while driving a car- *WHEEEEEZZZEEEEE* A meteor can hit a building, which case everyone will run out before the collision. Those who don't exit the building will die. Sims automatically leave if a meteor is approaching- *Starts wheezing and laughing while reading AGAIN* unless it is a school in which- in which children are not allowed to leave and will always die- *starts dying of laughter on the floor* (Dont laugh at that stuff-) 


Spirit: or perhaps its the context in which words are spoken that give them the power of meaning- *turns to Nightfall* I LOVE YOU! 

Nightfall: ;-; 


Tigry: Look! Survivors! *points to Doggy* 

Foxy: Ooo~ He's kinda cute..

Tigry: *pulls out a gun and shoots Doggy in the head, then drops it* WhOoPs!


Sin: Omg! Cri, that murder was so good!

Crisis: OhbecauseIdidn'teventryitwasjustlike-improbable- 



Tigry: Hehe..that's funny...you think I sleep- SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK!


Nighty: Introducing- The Pencil. You can write with it- you can......What else can you do with a pencil?? 

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