Chapter 438 - Bloodshadow Totems

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The open space covered an area of roughly 300 by 300 meters. The ground was uneven with rows of white tents on both sides. Several patrol squads would pass by every two minutes, with each one containing 30 to 40 Bloodshadow Warriors. Nie Yan would have to avoid them if he wanted to get past this place. He would also have to be careful of setting off the Bloodshadow Totems.

Nie Yan gazed past the tents and saw the silhouettes of multiple Bloodshadow Warriors. Some were even gathered around bonfires, seemingly celebrating something.

Nie Yan lingered in the vicinity for a moment. Only by passing through here could he reach the center of the Bloodshadow Legion Encampment. There was no other way.

The six Bloodshadow Totems was also an obstacle he couldn't get around. Nie Yan would have to get rid of them to get past.

Thinking for a bit, Nie Yan played around with the idea of disarming the Bloodshadow Totems, which would turn them into one-time use consumables similar to scrolls. But the process was difficult, and any mishap could lead to his death. A disarming guide was posted on the official forums in the previous timeline. Back then, many people were eager to give it a try, but those who actually succeeded numbered less than 5%.

The method shown in the guide did actually work.

Nie Yan wasn't sure if he could disarm them, but the temptation was too hard to resist. After all, having a few of them in his bag wouldn't hurt, especially for special situations.

In any case, he wouldn't know until he gave it a try. He cautiously approached one of the Bloodshadow Totems, halting his steps when he was 15 meters away. Any closer and it would explode.

Nie Yan took out his Cavalry Crossbow and loaded up a bolt. He didn't need the Penta Bolt Shot right now, so a single bolt sufficed. He examined the Bloodshadow Totem. It was about a meter tall and as thick as his arm. It had wings in the middle with crimson flags sticking out on the side. The main body was covered in peculiar mechanics with a deep thumb-sized hole in the center.

Raising his crossbow, Nie Yan took aim at the hole. Hitting a thumb-sized target from more than 15 meters away was a challenge even for him, but it wasn't impossible. Besides, since he was so far away, he'd have plenty of time to duck for cover if he missed and set it off.

Nie Yan pulled the trigger. A bolt shot out and went perfectly into the hole, jamming the mechanism inside. Like this, the Bloodshadow Totem couldn't explode.


Nie Yan picked up the Bloodshadow Totem. It didn't explode. He looked it over before checking its properties.

Bloodshadow Totem (Special): Totem Item

Description: After being inserted into the ground, this totem explodes if any creature enters its range, dealing corrosion and shadow damage.

Properties: 15,000 Damage; 30 meter explosion radius; ineffective against plate-armoured units; can be disarmed; 15 meter trigger radius. This item is one-time use only and ineffective against members of the Bloodshadow Legion.

This Bloodshadow Totem was a fairly high level totem. Since it was acquired in a Level 90 map this of course didn't come as a surprise. The damage was impressive too. Mine-type items generally had high killing power because they could only be triggered when the enemy entered their range.

If the Bloodshadow Totem was used well, it could become a powerful killing tool, like the Thunderstorm Mines during the Cripps Stronghold siege.

After disarming the first Bloodshadow Totem, Nie Yan moved on to the next one. Like before, he aimed at the totem's hole. The target was very small. His eyesight wasn't good enough to see clearly from this distance, so his vision was somewhat fuzzy. Pulling the trigger, the bolt shot out and struck the totem itself, missing the target by an inch.

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