Chapter 588 - Beautiful Class President

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After attending several classes, Nie Yan discovered the content was fairly easy. Many of the theories he couldn't understand in the previous timeline were now easily solvable. Perhaps it was due to the change in his mentality or the fact that he was more mature, but his comprehension ability seemed to have improved significantly.

Xu Yan pointed at a student sitting in the middle of the second row. "You see that guy? He's Dan Yan. He only started coming to class a few days ago. He's probably your strongest rival. He's rank two in the class."

Nie Yan's eyes followed the direction Xu Yan pointed. Dan Yan looked like quite the pretty boy, especially with his fair skin and trendy hairstyle. He dressed casually in slacks and a t-shirt. He kind of resembled those celebrities on the television. However, one could tell his muscles weren't simply for aesthetics but rather brimmed with explosive power.

Nie Yan chuckled. He wasn't the slightest bit worried about Dan Yan. His real enemies were people like Cao Xu, Soaring Angel, and Qin Han, not these random students in the Top Military Academy. Xu Yan probably didn't understand this. After all, the two of them lived in different worlds.

Dan Yan wasn't the only one with both muscle and brain in the command faculty. There were several others.

The end-of-class bell rang. Nie Yan prepared to get up and leave, when a figure appeared in front of him. He nearly collided into them.

Nie Yan lifted his head. Standing in front of him was their class president, Zhao Shiyu.

Nie Yan eyed Zhao Shiyu. She wore a pink spaghetti top which revealed her delicate shoulders, a pair of shorts that barely covered her butt, and black kneesocks that accentuated her slender legs. Given her looks and fashion sense, she did pass as a beauty. However, everything was relative. Though she did give off a bit of sex appeal standing like that, she paled in comparison to Xie Yao. It was like pitting the dim glow of a firefly against the moon. Everyone's taste was different too. He personally disliked these types of pushy women.

"Class President, what can I help you with?" Nie Yan asked.

"Nie Yan, our class is having a get-together in Conviction later today. Would you like to join?" Zhao Shiyu asked with an alluring smile. Xu Yan and several other male students in the vicinity were entranced.

"Sorry. I'm a bit busy tonight. I can't make it. You guys go ahead without me. I'm only a low level anyway," Nie Yan politely declined. After all, they were all in the same class. There was a need to maintain a sense of cordiality.

Zhao Shiyu's eyebrows twitched. This was her first time organizing this kind of class get-together. Everyone else had agreed enthusiastically. Nie Yan was the only one not giving her any face by declining. With his first place ranking in the overall score, him not coming was a slight to her reputation.

She was confident in her looks. Why else would the male students in the class push for her to be the class president? However, Nie Yan hadn't given her so much as a glance.

"Everyone else is coming. You're the only one who's not. Aren't you acting a bit too high and mighty?" Zhao Shiyu said in an unpleasant tone.

"Class Prez, I can vouch for him. He really is busy tonight. Next time. He'll definitely be there," Xu Yan spoke up in an attempt to mediate.

Zhao Shiyu coldly snorted. "If he doesn't want to come, so be it. He won't be missed anyway."

Nie Yan coldly gazed at Zhao Shiyu. What an arrogant woman. Just because she was elected as the class president, she believed she could boss everybody around. He actually wanted to come originally. However, it appeared that wasn't necessary now. Nothing worthwhile would come out of this kind of get-together anyway, at least not with her as the organizer.

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