Chapter 483 - Aerial Treasure Hunting

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Nie Yan normally wouldn't pay heed to petty taunts from a group of nobodies, but the thick arrogance in Destroyer's voice ticked him off. This was why he had Tang Yao show off the Netherthunder Eagle in such a flashy manner. Besides, with it appearing on the flying mount leaderboards, everybody would assume it belonged to him.

The Netherthunder Eagle circled around in the sky. The more it beat its gigantic wings, the higher up it flew.

Nie Yan and Tang Yao rode on top of the Netherthunder Eagle, mountains, forests, and rivers darting past them as the wind whistled in their ears. Flying mounts were more than 10 times faster than ordinary land mounts.

"Hey, do you want to tag along with me to get a few things?" With the Netherthunder Eagle, Nie Yan could explore places out of reach for ordinary players and obtain the treasures hidden there.

"What are we getting?" Tang Yao asked after feeding the Netherthunder Eagle another slab of meat.

"You'll know in a bit," Nie Yan mysteriously smiled. Since they were the only players with a flying mount right now, he couldn't let this opportunity go to waste!

Tang Yao's curiousity couldn't help but be piqued.

"Fly east," Nie Yan said.


After about 10 minutes of flying, Nie Yan and Tang Yao arrived above a mountain plain.

"H-hey, this already looks like a Level 120 zone!" Tang Yao said. He had seen the territory map of Calore, so he knew this region was full of high level monsters. It was still completely unexplored at this stage of the game. Level 60-70 players had no way of reaching here. The danger was simply too great. Any random monster encounter could be fatal. As for what sort of mysteries this place contained, he had no idea.

Tang Yao's heart was full of apprehension.

Nie Yan was quite familiar with the maps around here. In the previous timeline, back when he was over Level 100, he had holed himself up here for five months of nonstop grinding. He knew this region like the back of his hand, where all the best drops were, which places contained treasure chests...

"Let's descend," Nie Yan said. Seeing the familiar landscape, he couldn't help but get excited.

"Wait, are we really going down there? It's too dangerous!" Tang Yao said.

In spite of his own misgivings, Tang Yao decided to trust Nie Yan. He gave the orders to descend. The Netherthunder Eagle flew around in the sky before gradually descending in altitude until it hovered at about 50 meters above ground.

"That should do. Stay here, and wait for my command." Nie Yan shot out a web line at the Netherthunder Eagle's plumage, then jumped off. He fell about 10 meters before coming to a stop.

Suspended in midair by the web line, Nie Yan scanned the forest canopy below. Before long, he spotted a treasure chest through a gap between the trees.

This area contained 35 locations that spawned chests at random. Only on the first clear of the map did all 35 locations contain chests.

Nie Yan knew all 35 locations. However, there were many places where his memory was a little fuzzy. He could only rely on general directions to find them.

"I'm going down, come pick me up in a bit," Nie Yan said.

"W-wait!" Tang Yao barely got a word in before Nie Yan broke off the web line and dropped down into the forest.

Nie Yan rapidly plummeted to the ground. As he adjusted his position midair, he activated the Featherfall Jewel. His descent slowed to a crawl as he gently landed atop a giant branch. He peered at the forest ground below. From time to time, monsters would pass through. After searching for a while, he spotted a gold chest resting against a tree trunk about 10 meters away.

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