Chapter 451 - Hilton Stronghold

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Smoke Stub and Bladelight are running Baneful Swamp right now. I estimate they won't be out for another two or three hours. Those two from Angel Corps are pretty skilled. I don't think Smoke Stub and Bladelight can necessarily beat them,」Guo Huai said. Mad God and Depraved stood at the top of the pyramid in the Satreen Empire, so they were in no way inferior to Bladelight and Smoke Stub. It could easily go either way.

They're already running Baneful Swamp? Not bad,」Nie Yan remarked with a hint of surprise. Baneful Swamp was the hardest Level 60 dungeon. But it had great drops to match the difficulty, especially if you were looking for equipment with high poison resistance.「When Bladelight and Smoke Stub get out, make them go up. As for who'll come out on top, we'll know when the time comes. They shouldn't be any weaker than those two.」

Nie Yan refused to believe Bladelight, Smoke Stub, and the others were any weaker than those two players from Angel Corps. Most recently, the top players from Asskickers United were dilligently leveling and improving the quality of their gear. The location list of Sub Legendary and Legendary-grade equipment Nie Yan had provided them was an excellent motivator. None of them dared to dally, for fear of missing out.

After class advancing, players could start building towards their end game set. The higher the level, the more difficult it was to level up. Outstanding equipment, however, could reduce the amount of work needed. Asskickers United could only truly grow strong when their members improved both their level and the quality of their gear.

Of course, Bladelight and Smoke Stub had better things to do than enter a pissing contest with Mad God and Depraved. However, since the other party had come knocking on their door, Asskickers United's reputation would be besmirched if they didn't answer the challenge.

Mad God and Depraved would definitely be sent back with their faces beaten black and blue!

Those two fools won't be kicking up a fuss for much longer.」Nie Yan continued riding on towards the Hilton Stronghold.


Calore Central Square.

Mad God and Depraved setting up a makeshift arena had stirred up huge waves. Asskickers United was the representative guild of Calore, and had a good majority of the populace's support. When outsiders from the Satreen Empire came here looking to pick a fight, it wasn't just an affront to Asskickers United but to the whole of Calore.

Every player in the city, not just those belonging to Asskickers United, was rushing over to defend Calore's honour. Such blatant disrespect would not be tolerated!

Players started gathering in droves after the announcement was posted up on the forums. A large crowd reaching to far beyond the square formed around the makeshift arena.

A few high level players who were confident in their skills approached the makeshift arena.

"If you want to challenge the Mad Rogue, you'll have to beat us first! Our guild leader doesn't have the luxury to play around with any random fool that wants to pick a fight!" a player from Asskickers United said in a disdainful tone.

"Right! You'll have to beat us first!" the others echoed.

Mad God glanced at the crowd, then turned to Depraved. "What do you say? Shall we kill some time by taking on these guys?"

"Of course, or else the Mad Rogue might not come out." Depraved nodded, an indifferent expression on his face.

"Me or you first?" Mad God asked. It looked like he was itching for a fight. He loved nothing more in the world than beating weaklings. It was even better if they all came at him at once.

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