11. Just a Drink

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The Little girl sprinted around the house like a mad woman

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The Little girl sprinted around the house like a mad woman. Chasing after her slightly older brother. She wouldn't stop shouting and yelling at him and it was starting to agitate the other family members. Ace was also yelling and shouting at his slightly younger sister. 

"Would You both just Shut up!" Thatch snapped

"Oi! Watch it, Idiot!" Both children snapped back at the same time, It was eerie how similar the two Kids were despite their ages. 

"¡Oye! ¡Se bueno! Escucho otro 'Idiota' de tu boca y ¡Ayúdame Dios!" Their adoptive mother snapped at them, holding up her sandal.
(Hey! Be Nice! I hear another 'Idiot' from your mouth and so help me God!)

"LoSientoo.. señora" the Little girl mumbled, a scowl still on her face, Everyone in the room seemed a bit shocked that the girl knew Spanish
(Sorry... Ma'am)

"Oye, si quieres me puedes llamar mamá?" Lidia hummed with a gentle smile
(Hey, if you want you can call me mom?)

"¡Diablos no! ¡No puedes reemplazar a mi verdadera mamá! ¡Largarse!" The girl shouted at Lidia, running out of the house and slamming the door... 
(Hell no! You can't replace my real mom! Shove off!)

The house was quiet for once, Even though it was the afternoon. It was so odd. Honestly, I basked in the silence, sipping on my coffee peacefully. Eating my food without a hand reaching for it-... Son of a bitch.

"Oi!" I snapped at Luffy, grabbing his wrist

"Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow Ow! Let gooo!" Luffy was dancing around like a headless chicken, "That Burns!" 

I let go of his wrist, smirking, "Serves you right for trying to take my food!" 

"I'm SOrry!" He danced around, blowing cold air on his wrist.

"run it under cold water, That should make it better" I shook my head, watching Luffy dance to the sink and pour freezing cold water on his wrist. Thatch walked into the kitchen with a concerned look. "Luffy tried taking my food" I shrugged, and Thatch accepted that answer, leaving the Kitchen.

I kept scrolling through my phone, looking at possible apartments or rentable houses. I didn't really care if they were in the city or not. I loved my family, but I felt at peace when I lived by myself. Outside of the house. No real-life stressors, I didn't have to worry about Ace barging into my room, Luffy stealing my food, All of my brothers teasing me constantly, the constant reminders that there will always be someone better than myself... I flicked myself, taking the thoughts out of my head. I didn't need to be thinking about that right now. I felt someone swing their Arms around my shoulders. Covering my eyes. I frowned.

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