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"not a bad first date squirt 😉😉😉😉😉" goth said to his little baka baby, nerd

nerd started blushing and he turned as red as a tomato

suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a loud booming noise. it was y/n.

"sorry to interrupt but you're going down 😈😈😈😈😈" y/n said and pulled out an ak-47.

instantly, she started shooting goth and nerd and was laughing maniacally.

"oh no! it's y/n! the mafia leader's girlfriend!!!!!" nerd shuddered.

goth held him tight.

"don't worry pookie poo. i will always protect you," goth smirked and he stood up and stretched out his arms.

"what's going on!!!!" two new voices were heard. they're prep and jock.

"easy kill," y/n mumbled and hurriedly threw a bomb. the boyfriends huddled together and did not notice the bomb being thrown.

in approximately five minutes, the building will explode and y/n decided to use this moment to shoot them up.

"Muahahahha!!!!! die !!!! die!!!!!!!!" y/n yelled as she went crazy with the shooting

"oh no!!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺 don't worry we'll go through this together 🥺🥺🥺🥺" nerd said

y/n dropped the gun and started running as fast as her teeny tiny petite legs could carry her.


the boyfriends hugged each other tightly and whispered softly amongst each other.


nerd peed himself.


nerd is peeing and pooping himself like the ugly baby he is.

The entire building explodes, killing the boyfriends.

This is a victory for y/n and her alpha daddy and mafia leader, Jungkook.

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