stress, scene, scripts and Scarlett

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*Knock, knock* came from the outside of Lizzie's trailer door, waking the golden haired blonde up. "Who is it" Lizzie asks slowly waking up, rubbing her eyes sitting up on her bed. "Sorry miss olsen, but I have your updated script for today's scene" a crew member explained loudly from outside. "Oh, ok coming" Lizzie replies hoping out of bed and rushes to the doorway, she opens the door a little so she could see the person without them seeing her in her pjs. "Oh, good morning miss olsen, sorry again, here you go" the member greets the brunette handing her the sheets of paper. "that's ok, thank you, have a lovely day" Lizzie responds with a smile and giggling. The crew member nods with their hat then walks away from Lizzie who waves them off.

Lizzie closes her door looking at the papers with her script written on it. She begins to read them as she approaches her bedroom, opening her blinds not too wide and then making her bed. She then still reading her script, gets her clothes ready for the day. She then checks her phone to find 18 new messages and 10 missed calls and 4 missed facetimes. 5 texts, 3 calls and 1 facetime from mom, 6 texts, 4 calls and 2 facetime from her sister, 3 texts, 1 call from Boyd and 4 texts, 2 calls and 1 facetime from Dakota. She groaned at her fiancé's name but smiled at the rest, especially Dakota's. she sent a text to her parents and sisters apologizing for late reply and she'll call back ASAP. She sent a short response to Boyd. She was about to text . "Lizzie come on" someone shouted from outside Lizzie's door startling the young actress. "Who is it" Lizzie asks trying to wake up. "it's Aaron, come on, we have our first scene today" Aaron explains loudly so Lizzie can hear him. "Oh shoot, I'll be there in a sec, thanks Aaron" Lizzie responses thanking her costar movie brother. "Do you want to come in or" Aaron offers not wanting to impose on her privacy. "no, it's fine, thanks, can you just tell them I'll be there in a sec" Lizzie asks Aaron while starting to freak out. "Sure thing, I'll see you in five minutes" Aaron asks Lizzie about to leave. "yep, see you there" Lizzie replies trying to disguise her stress. "Ok, oh hey Scarlett" Aaron says on his way to the meeting. "OK, come on olsen you've got 5 minutes to get yourself together and get out that door to film your very first scene" the brunette tells herself looking in the bathroom mirror trying to sound determined. "Oh my God it's my first scene, what if I screw up, what if they don't like me anymore or at all" Lizzie begins to contemplate as panic slips in her words and stress starts to rise through her body. "argh, my head it hurts" the olsen exclaims as her heart begins to throb and her heart begins to race. "urgh, Just stop it what is going on with me" the brunette questions holding her head in both her hands tight. * knock knock* sound came from the olsens trailer door, startling the young actress. 'who could that be' she asks herself worried and puzzle. "who is it" the brunette asks loudly to the stranger at the door. "hey miss Olson it's Johansson, can I come in"

Scarlett's POV:

"Hey have any of you seen the maximoff girl, her and Aaron uh shooting their first scene today in about 10 minutes" Joe asks the avenger cast looking around for the new recruits. "actually I saw Aaron head over to the trailers earlier I think he was heading for her" Jeremy answers pointing towards the trailer park behind them, seeing Aaron outside a trailer door. "well this scene is in about 5 to 10 minutes, so we really need her out soon, can someone go get her" Joe asks with a slight annoyance in his voice. "sure I can" Scarlett casually offers smiling surprising the team. "OK thanks, just go and see if she needs any help" Joe suggests lightly while thanking the blonde as she nods and walks towards the trailer park. "OK we'll see you there, oh hey Scarlett" Aaron greets the blonde as he slowly makes his way towards the set. "hey Aaron, I was just actually looking for 'your sister',do you know where she is" Scarlett asks the tall brown haired man, who motions 2 the trailer door then putting his finger on top of his lips, telling the Johansson with the Olsen is and to be quiet. Scarlett nods in understanding and reciprocates the shushing movement as she waves by to the Johnson. She slowly walks up to the trailer door quietly and Knocks twice. * knock knock * "who is it?" a voice asks from inside the trailer. "hey miss Olson it's Johansson" Scarlett answers casually smiling. "can I come in" Scarlett asks politely and softly to the Olsen inside. "Oh yeah, sure" Lizzie answers cheerfully with a hint surprise in her voice. scarlet smiles and opens the trailer door to reveal a Cheerful, tall green eyed brunette staring at her softly. "hey what's up" Lizzie asks the blonde happily curious. "oh nothing I was just wondering about you, how are you feeling about your first big scene" scarlet responders smiling sweetly at the brunette in front of her. "oh is that today, * giggles* I didn't even remember that" Lizzie jokes covering her panic inside that starts to seethe through her words. Lizzie begins to feel her head spinning again and her heart racing quickening her breath, which doesn't go unnoticed by the Johansson. "hey, hey, look at me" Scarlett softly asks lifting the olsen's face to meet hers. Scarlett carefully tries to sit the olsen down and kneels in front of her. Lizzie slowly sits on the couch and covers her face with her hands still hyperventilating. Scarlett gently and carefully uses her hands to take Lizzie's away from her face, looking right at her. "try and breath for me, ok" Scarlett requests to the Olsen who's still struggling to calm her heartbeat racing. "just copy me ok, breath in...1..2, and out..1..2," Scarlett continues explaining softly looking at the golden haired blonde following Scarlett's actions. Lizzie begins feeling herself calming down, the tightness in her chest begin to loosen allowing her heartbeat to slow down. Scarlett sweetly smiling at the golden-haired blonde who smiles back. Lizzie lets out a final slow breath laying back on the couch then looks down to Scarlett with a small smile. "I'm so sorry for this" Lizzie apologizes as her voice breaks hiding her teary face confusing Scarlett. "hey it's ok, everyone gets stressed on their first day, hell I did and you did way better than me" Scarlett explains giggling to the sniffling golden haired blonde taking their hands away from their face staring at her. Izzie starts giggling at the red head while slightly blushing which Scarlett notices and softly smirks. "do you want some help" Scarlett asks gently to the blushing brunette looking around the room. "no thank you, I just need to learn these lines and get myself ready for filming in 5 minutes" Lizzie politely declines explaining to the red head gesturing to her feet and the script in her hands scoffing, causing Scarlett to slightly giggle then Lizzie to giggle, then looks at her feet and tries to tie her laces. "here let me" Scarlett offered to the struggling golden haired blonde trying to lace up her shoes. Scarlett knelt before Lizzie and tied up the laces of the golden haired blonde 's shoes making Lizzie smile. "thanks, you didn't have to" Lizzie tells Scarlett smiling and slowly blushing. "it's fine, besides those are annoying" Scarlett tells with a smirk making the golden haired blonde giggle and smiling. "what's up, everything all right" Scarlett asks sitting next to the sad golden haired blonde . "it's nothing don't worry" Lizzie says trying to hide her tears threating to spill. "it's clearly not nothing, whats going on" Scarlett asked again looking into the golden-haired blonde s eyes worried. "it's just that, what if they don't like me or I stuff up badly and ruin the scene" Lizzie suggested trying not to cry looking at Scarlett. "I have an idea" Scarlett's says looking at Lizzie with a smirk and quivered eyebrow making Lizzie confused. "what if I went with you" Scarlett suggested softly holding Lizzies hand smiling gently. "wait don't you have scenes to do" Lizzie asks Scarlett gently not wanting to bother the red head next to her. "yes I do have a scene, however, it's your first day filming, and as your mentor I want to be there" Scarlett explains making the golden haired blonde smile with a slight blush. "I'd love that, thank you" Lizzie thanked the blonde knelt in front of her smiling. "no worries, so-" Scarlett's interrupted by her phone going off. Lizzies smiles softly to Scarlett looking at her phone. Scarlett sees her husband calling then looks at Lizzies face dropping. she turns it off looking at Lizzie as she puts it in her pocket. "I'll deal with it after" Scarlett says casually calm and smiling to Lizzie who raises an eyebrow. "so I'll walk you to the set, then I'll go shoot my part of the scene then I'll stay for your part, sound good" Scarlett explains to the golden haired blonde who nods in response graciously taking Scarlett's hand getting up and grabs her stuff Lizzie starts to walk to the door, when her foot slightly slips back. Scarlett see Lizzie falling forward and quickly steps in front of the Olsen catching her head on her chest. "woah, it's ok, I got you" Scarlett says holding the shaking golden haired blonde while softy stroking her hair. They stay like this for a moment until Scarlett moves to the door. "ok shall we go miss olsen" Scarlett asks jokingly opening the door for Lizzie holding out her hand. Lizzie nods in response smiling taking Scarlett's hand.

Third person POV:

"alright everyone, scene in 10 minutes so be ready" Russo shouts on mega phone as Scarlett and Lizzie approach the set. "wow and I thought It was busy before" Lizzie joked seeing all the cast and crew in one huge room filled with equipment. "yeah well welcome to filming avengers" Scarlett replies lightly giggling with Lizzie. "there you are scar" Evans says out of breathe to the blonde. "hey mr Evans" Lizzie greets shyly grabbing Evans's attention. "oh hey miss olsen, and I thought I said to call me Chris, like her" Chris reminds the olsen pointing to Scarlett. "sorry force of habit" Lizzie apologies shy and nervous. Scarlett saw this and signaled to Evans to apologizes to her. "don't worry about it, if you call me Evans I can call you olsen deal" Evans offers holding his hand out to Lizzie who nods and shakes on it. "now I hate to be rude but scar, we've got scene in 5 minutes and we need to get ready" Chris apologizes to them both before looking directly at Scarlett with a stern face motioning to follow him. Scarlett rolls her eyes and groans making Lizzie giggle and smile. "it's ok, go with Evans" Lizzie suggested with a soft smile towards the redhead in front when they hear a voice from behind. "Lizzie, there you are, oh hi miss Johansson and mr Evans" Aaron greets running up to Lizzie seeing Scarlett and Chris beside her. "hey Aaron and I told you to call me Scarlett and him Chris" Scarlett reminds the blonde tinted haired man who scoffs and nods in response turning to Lizzie. "sorry to interrupt but Lizzie and I got to go get our outfits and make up done" he says to the redhead who smiles. "and I was just saying to Elizabeth that me and Scarlett better get gone too" Evans adds nudging Scarlett on the shoulder. "and I was just telling Johansson that she can go with Chris" Lizzie finishes looking at Scarlett. "you sure" Scarlett asks looking at Lizzie with worry and concern who just smiles back. "I'm sure, besides your scene is just before mine, so I'll go to wardrobe and make up with Aaron while waiting" Lizzie explains looking at Scarlett with a contempt smile. "ok well, before I go, is there anything I can do quickly" Scarlett asks the golden haired blonde smiling. "well I was wondering if you had any advice for me, well us, you know, going into this" Lizzie asks nervously. "oh, um honestly in my opinion you don't need any, but since you asked, just be yourself and you'll do perfect" Scarlett answers smiling at the flustered golden haired blonde . "ok cool thanks" Lizzie says nervously making Scarlett giggle then herself. "miss olsen and mr Johnson time to suit up" they hear joe shout through the mega phone. "ok you go, I'll see you after" Scarlett says giggling to Lizzie who smiles and nods in response. "see you later miss Johansson" Lizzie waves to Scarlett who rolls her eyes and scoff at the nickname. "see you soon miss olsen" Scarlett replies with a wink making Lizzie scoff. As the pair fade from sight, Lizzie walks with Aaron to makeup and wardrobe.

Chris's POV:

"What was that about scar" Evans asks the blonde as they leave the makeup set and approach the others waiting to film. "What was what" Scarlett asks her friend confused. "'see you later miss olsen" Chris mimics Scarlett talking to the olsen making her puzzled. "what wrong with that, I'm just helping her settle in and get ready, and it's her last name" Scarlett explains defensively slightly blushing which Evans notices with a quirked eyebrow. "oh please don't tell me you're into her" Evans asks starting to giggle making Scarlett scoff. "what no, I'm not 'into' her, it's her first day and I'm her mentor" Scarlett trying to stay focused. Evans stops both in their tracks and faces Scarlett with a serious stare making Scarlett tense up. "ok, she had a minor panic attack over her scene, so I'm just looking out for her" Scarlett confesses to the blue eyed man. "really" Evans asks shocked at the news. "yes, now you cannot tell anyone about it, swear or cross your heart" Scarlett sternly instructs her friend pointing at him. "well I don't swear, cause of language, but I promise on my life I won't tell a soul as long as I live" Evans promises as he crosses his heart smiling. "which won't be long if you break it" Scarlett tells her friend with a death stare who just snorts in response. "ok got it, shall we" Evans asks Scarlett who nods in response as they walk to the others. "alright everyone, let's begin" joe yells through a mega phone. "and 3, 2, 1, "

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