i'm late?

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lizzie's pov:

"thanks for driving me back, I'm sorry about this" Scarlett apologizes and thanks the olsen. "don't be silly, I'm fine with it" Lizzie replies smiling while focusing on the road. "and here we are" Lizzie announces softly pulling into the car park of the set. She turns to Scarlett smiling as they start unbuckling grabbing their stuff. Lizzie hops out then heads to the passengers door opening it for Scarlett who smiles in response. "shall we" Lizzie asks motioning down the path for Scarlett who giggles and nods as they head for the trailers. "thanks for driving me and walking me back, I'm sorry if I disturbed your night" Scarlett again thanks and apologizes to the olsen smiling. "oh don't be silly, it was my pleasure, besides you helped me out so much today, it's the least I could do" Lizzie replies giggling at the blonde as they approach Scarlett and Lizzie trailers. "I had a really fun time with you" Scarlett points out smiling happily making the brunette smile while nodding. "yeah me too, a really great time, maybe we could do this often" Lizzie suggests softly shy to the blonde watching her grin spread wider across her face. "wait, like a common thing, just us 2" Scarlett asks smirking making the brunette blush and nod. "yeah, but only if you want" Lizzie further explains shy, blushing and flustering quickly glancing at the blonde's shocked smiley face, making her nervous and embarassed. "but if you don't want to that's totally fi-" Lizzie stops babbling as Scarlett's hand reaches for hers softly caressing it, suprising the brunette. "I'd love that" Scarlett tells the flustered brunette smiling sweetly making Lizzie smile. "really" Lizzie asks softly looking for assurance from the Johansson to receive a sincere look in her eyes and a nod. "yes, so how about a couple times a week, maybe after filming or in our breaks in between" Scarlett offers sweetly to the olsen smiling. "yeah sure, sounds great so how will we plan it" Lizzie asks happily and excited. "oh right, well maybe, here, can I borrow your phone quickly" Scarlett asks holding out her hand confusing the olsen. Lizzie slightly worried pulls out her phone and hands it to the Johansson. Scarlett goes into the Olsen's contacts and starts typing digits while Lizzie looks at her confused. "here, now you have my number, so if you wanna hang out or if you ever need me" Scarlett explains smiling, handing the suprised Olsen's phone back. "wait what, seriously, I don't want to bother you though" Lizzie explained surprised and worried about imposing on the Johansson's life. "oh don't be silly, I told you that if you ever need me or anything, just call me, now you actually can" Scarlett explains giggling making the olsen giggle as well. "plus it would have made lunch today a bit easier" Scarlett adds jokingly smiling at the flustered brunette. "true, very true" Lizzie agrees slightly giggling looking at the blonde and her emerald eyes. "ok sweet, and if you ever need me otherwise, just text or call me ok" Scarlett.

"well, sweet dreams and once again thanks again for the drive, see you tomorrow Lizzie" Scarlett says smiling sweetly at the brunette as she becomes surprised at the nickname. "what" Scarlett asks confused at the brunette facial expression. "you just called me Lizzie" Lizzie points out as a smirk grows on her face while the blonde scoffs. "I did, but don't tell anyone, it'll be our little secret, deal" Scarlett offers whispering softly so that no one sees or hears making the brunette giggle. "deal" Lizzie nods agreeing slightly giggling as a smile spread on her face making Scarlett smile. "well then, good night Lizzie" Scarlett repeats smiling nodding to the brunette with a wink. "good night, scar" Lizzie responds with a smirk sneaking on her face with a wink to the surprised blonde as she heads backwards to her trailer.

Lizzie's POV:

"well that was interesting" Lizzie says as she closes her trailer door making her way to her couch, dropping her bag and coat off next to her as she lays down on the soft sofa. "hmmm" Lizzie moans peacefully resting in luxury and tiredness from her day. *buzz buzz* Lizzie's phone starts to go off startling the olsen. "urgh, you've got to be kidding me" Lizzie groans annoyed as she reaches in her bag and pulls out her phone to see 'Dakota' texting.

*buzz buzz* her phone went off making the olsen groan. "I swear if its Dakota, I'll loose my mind" Lizzie says aloud grabbing her phone, opening the text.

Sleep well and sweet dreams olsen 😉- scar Johansson

"oh my god" Lizzie exclaims seeing the text.

You too, see you tomorrow Johansson 😊 Lizzie replies then pops her phone away.

Scarlett's POV

Scarlett walks back to her trailer and lies on her couch, forgetting about calling her husband. She starts getting lost in thought. She thinks back to her day with the team, then her time with the olse and how fun it was. She wondered about how the brunette was feeling at the moment and decided to send her a text, for comfort. 'What should I say to her, I don't wanna come across too strong' the blonde thought to herself and decided to send a simple, short and sweet text.

sleep well and sweet dreams Olsen, 😉

She quietly yet anxiously waits for a reply from the brunette, as her heart starts racing, confusing the blonde. *buzz buzz* the blonde's phone went off giving her a fright, seeing a response from the brunette.

you two, see you tomorrow Johansson 😊

'haha, She is so cute And sweet' the blonde spoke aloud giggling at the brunette text, thinking about how sweet, kind, funny and caring the brunette is. She then finds herself thinking of the brunette and how beautiful she is. She thought about how she touched her hand and felt a spark. She also thought about her soft touch and smooth skin her thumb had caressed. Just then a wave of lust washed over her causing her to think about the brunette in a different light. She found herself imagining how hot and sexy the brunette is. Her mind flooded with images of the brunette in sexy lingerie and attire. She thought of the Olsen's body and how perfect it is. she then though about her voice and her luscious rosy red lips. then a different image came into mind. Image of the olsen and Johansson kissing, sending Scarlett crazy with lust and need for the olsen. She pictured what it would be like to kiss the olsen, how it would taste and how it would feel emotionally and physically. she then felt her stomach twitch and her cheeks heat up while biting her lip. 'this Is so wrong, she's a new girl who I'm going to work with, nothing more'. She suddenly feels her stomach turn making her feel sick. She rushes to the bathroom and lifts the toliet lid then hurls her guts out. "oh god, whats happening, why do I suddenly feel so sick" she asks herself scooting away from the toliet seat. She tries to think of reasons for her sudden pain and sickness. ' I don't have a bug, I don't have a disease, I didn't eat anything new or drink anything new' she thought to herself when suddenly something dawned on her. "oh my god, no, no, no, it cant be" she says starting to freak out grabbing her phone out to check her calender making her freeze shocked. "oh my god, I'm, I'm late"

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