sneaking in the mage tower🥷🏻

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So I know where the tower is located let's sneak out now

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So I know where the tower is located
let's sneak out now

I'm gonna be like a ninja bro sneaking into the tower like a fucking mouse or sum😭

I quietly made my way out of the palace to go to the tower

I jogged for 15 minutes and looked around
and finally, there it stood in its all glory the home of my hubby lucas😩

I jogged for 15 minutes and looked around and finally, there it stood in its all glory the home of my hubby lucas😩

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It looks creepy as hell not gonna lie

Am I about to get haunted? Probably!
Hotel? trivago!

Are there any booby traps for intruders?
Bro, I have no idea
Ugh fuck it who cares if I die I die what's the worse thing that could happen
Bitch stop jinxing yourself
my luck is bad already

I waddled up to the door of the tower and try knocking

I knock twice just for the sake of it lmao

"Uh, Helo?anyyyone here? I'm coming inn okey??"

and I just barge in the tower yeeeet

Huh well that was easy

I look around to see that it was all trashed?
Oh I remember that Aeternitas or something whatever the fuck his name is stole Lucas's mana fucking thief

Where would Lucas be sleeping tho?

I've read manhwas that have the master of the magician tower's room on top of the tower like in miss not so sidekick

Ohhh let's rummage through the stuff tho and see if I can find anything useful my pyromaniac ass cannot resist anymore

After shuffling around a bit I found a wand omg what if I try saying Avada kedavra and ak myself straight to satan I mean I wouldn't mind tho

Should I let my intrusive thoughts win?🤭

I giggle to myself

If people actually looked at me they would be so weirded out lmaoo a girl who's talking to herself like😀


" Lucas lucas where art tho???"

"Lucass oh daddy lucas where are youu??"

I started abruptly singing that meme on TikTok lmao

It's been a year daddy
I really really miss you
mommy says you went to the store to get some milk
anyways I'm failing all my classes
Come back soon with the milk

I skipped all the way to the top floor of the tower and there he was in his glory

The gilf that we all love and want to get fucked by😁

The one and only Lucas whatever his last name is😙

Hii bestiesHope y'all liked it Have a great day-senia<3

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Hii besties
Hope y'all liked it
Have a great day

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