meeting gilfy lucas pt2.🤭

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Hearing Lucas agree to me was my highlight of the day



"The best way to replenish your mana is the world tree, right? So if you don't go to find it like literally right now you wouldn't be able to get the fruit but if you aren't able to get the fruit then eat the branch okay?"

"Fine okay I'll do as you say"

"Lucas wait first please teleport me back to my room I'm really tired I sneaked out all the way out of the ruby palace to wake you up"

"Sure thing princess" with a snap of his finger we were teleported to the combined room of Artie and me

"Please look after yourself and take care! Don't forget about me okayy?? Meet me as soon as you get back from the world tree"

I give him a bear hug though I reached just below his knees
why did I have to be a little kid oof my life sucks ass

"Of course princess. who do you think I am?"

"You are gilfyy Lucas ofc"

"Huh what does that mean?"

"You wouldn't know you old hag!"

"Oi watch it!"

"I'll be taking my leave then bye princess!"
After saying that he kisses the back of my hand oh lawd have mercy I'm bout to burst

"I'll be taking my leave then bye princess!" After saying that he kisses the back of my hand oh lawd have mercy I'm bout to burst

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"Bye l-Lucas" I am definitely not blushing right now nope😀

"Bye l-Lucas" I am definitely not blushing right now nope😀

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I wave at him exhaustion was finally catching to me

As soon as her head hit the bed she was out cold (Just like me fr)

As soon as her head hit the bed she was out cold (Just like me fr)

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