Meeting dilf daddy pt3.😭

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I whisper back to him "yes artie you can"

"Felix?" Claude speaks

"Yes,your majesty?"

"Leave us"

Felix takes one final glance at us and leaves

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Felix takes one final glance at us and leaves

Huh now that I'm sitting real close to zaddy he looks really hot I didn't know he was that sexy
he oozes dominance and daddy vibes bro

eh something's dripping down?

I look down to see blood

Oh fuck and my hands bolt and quickly place them on my nose

I take one good look at this dude and I get a nosebleed?


I just had a manhwa movement (nosebleeds)


"noona,you're bleeding"

Artie looks at me with worried puppy eyes

"its okay artie I'm fine" I assure artie

"Athy and artie huh? Must be pet names"

He closes his eyes

Athanasia and Arthur

Such names

It must be because of him never getting a proper royal name as he was a illegitimate child and was neglected by the emperor

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It must be because of him never getting a proper royal name as he was a illegitimate child and was neglected by the emperor

I sobbed when I read about his story

ugh after listening to him I'm really hungry
Artie looks at me with a mischievous look in his eyes

Ah I see it means war

"1,..2..,3 goooooo" I shouted and pounced

And started eating what ever I could get my hands on

We usually have food wars it's really fun

We emptied out all the plates like hungry wolves who found their prey

Meanwhile claude was looking at us like we just escaped from the jungle

Meanwhile claude was looking at us like we just escaped from the jungle

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"Bahahaha athy you lost"

I let you win lil baby tho I cannot say that to my precious child now can I ?

"Yes you did I'll win next time artie just you wait"

"Who taught you manners?" He asks

"mama lily taught us" artie speaks out

"Mamma who?"
"You dont have any other mother than that wench" claude states furiously

"Oi mister do you have any sense?Can you not you see the fact that he is about to cry can you stop??" I glare at him

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"Oi mister do you have any sense?Can you not you see the fact that he is about to cry can you stop??" I glare at him

"Oi mister do you have any sense?Can you not you see the fact that he is about to cry can you stop??" I glare at him

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who tf is he to talk about my goddess lily like that she is a queen

who tf is he to talk about my goddess lily like that she is a queen

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Hey besties
Hope you're having a great day

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