meeting gilfy lucas 😋

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He looks so good like actually so much better

I'm literally shaking, crying, shidding, pissing, ripping my hair out right now

He is actually sleeping

Is this like sleeping beauty eh?

Shall I kiss him? Oh crap I forgor that I'm still a minor lololol

I shake him with my tiny grimy little hands

"Ms. Keisha?...Ms. Keisha?...Ms. Keisha?
"Oh ma fuckin god, she fuckin DEaD"

"Guys I'm not seeing enough movement"

I focus my mana whatever I had and try to channel it toward him

"Did it work?"

I get startled for a minute when I see Lucas opening his eyes up

"Oh my lord thank fucking finally!"

"Good morning starshine the earth says hello"

"Who tf-?" Lucas is obviously shocked to see my boutiful self lmao jk jk I'm still a minor he is shocked by the fact that a child woke him up probably?

"Heyyy buddy sorry to wake you up so suddenly but (a big butt) I had to"

"Ugh, who even are you, and why is your soul like that huh? interesting!"

"Tell me tiny human what do you want?"

"Esi cuse mi? Who are you calling tiny I'm perfectly fine for my age you beautiful bastard"

"Esi cuse mi? Who are you calling tiny I'm perfectly fine for my age you beautiful bastard"

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"Such colorful language coming from a kid's mouth hah"

"Soo I'll get to the point? Umm, do you remember the dude who you refused to teach?"

"Soo I'll get to the point? Umm, do you remember the dude who you refused to teach?"

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"Oh, the aternias bitch?"

"Ye whatever that dude's name is he stole your mana bro and is currently possessing my uncle right now"

I pause

Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn

"It's been more than 200 years since you had gone through eternal slumber "

"Oh shit what the fawk"

"That bastard stole my mana?? I'll fuck that bitch up"

As expected he was furious I mean who wouldn't be 🤷🏻‍♀️

As expected he was furious I mean who wouldn't be 🤷🏻‍♀️

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"I have a plan for that"

"So I'm not currently from this world
I got spawned in one day though I know what is probably going to happen in the future I read about this world and you were one of the male lead's in that book and you're obviously the magician of the black tower so you were my first option for helping me with my plan"

"Ho? The male lead? And you read a book about this world? Hmm interesting"

"Okay I'll play your silly game for the time being"

"Okay I'll play your silly game for the time being"

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Hey besties
Have a great day

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