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Everyone was here, the tension in the air turning wax, everyone looking at each other with an awkward gaze not knowing where to start, especially the man of the night, Mr. Kim kisser Taehyung. Saying Hyeon's blood was boing would be an understatement. she was not angry at her but at him. Why would she be mad at Lyra? What had she done wrong? Nothing. But he lied, led you on. 

Lyra, Hyeon had known her for the past, she never lied, how you knew her would be a story for later first she had to empty her hands for the matter at hand. How does she know them? how she was here? or maybe she did lie to you, like always.

What did Hoseok and Jimin do? How are they here? How purple-haired demon, whose name she still doesn't know, and seokjin knew them? now, where the purple-haired and yoongi were the two friends they had been waiting for or they were hoseok and jimin? Hoseok and jimin can't be them, right? she had known them her whole life they are innocent as her. right? They must summon some other demon and get here, right?





longing to go back home.

was on all her mind or maybe everyone's mind.

Taehyung was visibly sweating, passing his hands from his nape to hair every fifteen every second, he was sitting next to Lyra on the far right corner on the sofa, Lyra in between him and jimin, hoseok on the single sofa next to jimin, yoongi next to taehyung, Hyeon sat between Seokjin and the purple-haired dude on the bar stool, across from taehyung on the sofa, Jungkook was leaning on a wall on her left.

Seokjin and hoseok met and both giggled due to anxiousness.

Yoongi left a deep breath and clenched his fist for what seemed anger and confusion.

"Okay, let's start with an introduction since we don't exactly know each other?" he raised his eyebrows at Hyeon, his cat-like silver eyes widening a little. Making her shrink back in her chair.

Jungkook caught up on the tension between you and yoongi and jumped in, "I will tell you who's who" His blue eyes met yours,  giving you a small smile and making you breathe a little, recently you had warmed up to him a little.

"Yoongi hyung, she is Hyeon, a..a human" Jungkook scratched his nape as he motioned towards Hyeon, she lowly waved towards the silver-haired demon with a small smile.

"Hyeon, He is Yoongi hyung and Namjoon hyung, my hyungs..whom about we talked about?" he nodded towards her.


she bowed her head towards the now-namjoon-guy, and he responded by bowing his head too.

"Now you can go back home, "Seokjin smiled at her. "but, how you know Jiminie and cookie?" He raised his eyebrow.

"I can ask you the same?" she turned towards seokjin.

Hoseok and Jimin exchanged quick glances, "oh, jin hyung its, it's a long s-story" Hoseok laughed awkwardly.

seokjin narrowed his eyes at the red and orange-haired demon sure they are hiding something.

"No, it isn't," she smiled at her brothers, "remember, the first night here, I told you about my two brothers? from the orphanage? they are those two" she grinned proudly.

everyone's eyes widened at her confession, "w-what, how ??" namjoon coughed out.

"What do you mean hOw? if you don't believe me ask them." You answered back.

"Jimin," Yoongi turned to jimin, "She is correct" Jimin smiled back making eye contact with jungkook, pleading with his eyes to change the topic.

Jungkook quickly asked, "Hello, Lyra, Long time no see?" before anyone could ask further questions to jimin and hoseok.

"Y-yeah" she waved slowly, her shakey eyes met with Hyeon's emotionless ones.

"Hi, Hyeon" She gave a small smile to her, eyes a little glossy.

Hyeon scoffed mentally.

"Hi, Do I know you? " Hyeon cocked her head.

"Y-you don't know me? you don't r-remember me?" Lyra asked.

"You guy's have met before?" Taehyung pipped in,

"oh, have I?" Hyeon narrowed her eyes at taehyung.


Hyeon kept tossing and turning in her bed, everyone was now in bed, hoseok wanted to sleep with her tonight, he slept next to her, his cheek flushed on the pillow, lips pouty, she smiled a little at his calm red face, brushed his red hair out of his eyes.

He was really worried about her.

slowly turning her back on him she faced the window. Thoughts of Taehyung, Lyra, and jungkook.


maybe, if that night she would have let him speak she would have known.

regret-filled her chest, making her sigh heavily. Hyeon had never been jealous or had any harsh feelings towards Lyra, but suddenly she felt as fritt in the eye. 

She must be cuddling into Taehyung's warm chest, not Hyeon

but taehyung is another boyfriend or anything. Why does she care? I don't care

she turned to lay on her back, trying to fall asleep.

Hyeon felt hoseok's hand snake on her waist as he pulled her into his chest, making her sigh softly and placing her hand on top of his around her stomach and slowly closing her eyes.


"For once I guess, I am not the bad guy here" Jungkook leaned on the wall crossing his arms on his chest facing Taehyung on the balcony as moonlight emitted on the elder's facial features.

"You, don't intimate me, cut the act" Taehyung hissed and turned from jungkook and leaned forward on the railing, looking at the empty streets.

"Oh, really?" Jung Kook stood straight and took a step towards taehyung, taking hold of his forearm and making him face himself.

"Then listen to what I am telling you," He looked in the elder's golden eyes, and let go of his arm with force.

He took a half step more, fanning his breath on the blond's face, "Stay the fuck away from her, because I know you haven't changed and I bet you ever will, and didn't I tell you so before, but this time you will be in trouble"

"don't touch me, I bite" the blond growled, dusting his own forearm.

"oh, you will crawl and beg too, if you dint act up" the blue-eyed pushed past the blond out the balcony with a scoff.


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