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{Hyeon P.O.V}

"WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP PLACING THE BLANKET AROUND ME???" I screamed while kicking off the blue blanket, and the raven-haired demon screeched back and breathed heavily.

"because you are scared.." a deep but small voice spoke from a distance, I snapped my head towards, the demon who spoke, he had blond hair.

"I am scared doesn't mean I need a blanket, IT MEANS I NEED BOOZE" I replied back, he looked up from the table, my heart in my throat, his eyes flashed golden as his hair, his hot pink thin lips contrasting with his golden skin and blue hair, his lips curved up in a tiny smile. A shiver went down my spine.

I looked at the raven-haired demon, his black eyes were glossy as his hair, and his dark eyes barely held any difference in his pupil and Iris. hardly any emotion on his face, his tongue slid over his plump pink lips. I shifted my eyes from him pulling my knees to my chest and ducking my head. i was very intimidated by both of their presence.

I was afraid. Why did he bring me here? what will he do to me? what will they do to me? will they fry and eat me? am I dead?  am I going to die? can I go back home? is this a dream? I want to go back home...home..hoseok..jimin..they must be worried..I felt bitter pain through my chest as tears had up in my eyes.

"take this..", my eyes trailed to the hand extended in front of me, the slender fingers held a blue can, I looked at the guy who offered the drink, his body was just near mine, but at a safe distance, his blond hair falling above his brown hazel eyes staring into mine, his smell Christmas like, his long eyelashes touched his cheekbones as he blinked, his face was perfectly sculptured, my eyes trailed from the mole on his nose to his lips, he nudged the drink again towards me, I was a little starlet, I shifted in my seat and slowly, hesitantly took the can from him.

I took a sip from the drink, it was beer, I looked back at him he had a sweet smile on his lips, I replied with a tiny smile, the most I could pull.

After I took a few more gulps, I remembered, jungkook..that bastard, where is he?

My eyes frantically looked around the room, the living room was just like room? as i looked with shakey eyes, for the first time raven-haired spoke, "jungkook will be here soon," he had a velvety voice, had his hair parted perfectly, a black shirt hung silkily on his frame, he looked ready to stride onto the ramp walk, I nodded to him slowly, "A-are you having pain anywhere?" he asked slowly, "no.." I replied lowly.

after I was done with the drink I kept it on the table in front of me, just then the blond beside me asked, "did you it?", "y-yeh". His smile turned into a boxy smile, a kind of smile I had seen for the first time. " it's my favorite" he spoke proudly, this time I smiled again, but a slightly more comfortable smile.

"Do you need to use some sleep?" he asked again searching my face, huh use sleep? "he asked if you want to take a nap?" the raven-haired asked again, "oh-", "yeah, maybe" I agreed slowly, I would need the energy to kill that bastard demon, for doing this to me.

the blonde stood up, motioning for me to stand up too, I did as he asked me to.

"Take her to the guest room" the raven-haired spoke before going out of the main door, I tried to catch a glimpse of the outside world but he slammed the door shut. I sighed to myself, wondering what their world looks like.

"come with me" I felt icy fingers come in contact with mine, retracting my hand quickly I looked up at the tall-blonde demon, his face flushed a little.. shy? "s-sorry," he spoke quickly, then he turned around and I followed him up the stairs. Upstairs were four doors adjacent to each other and a fifth door at the very end of the corridor, he took me to that room.

The room was dimly lit, furniture was white, comforter and curtain were green, "don't open the curtains, for your own safety." he warned me sternly, "the washroom is there" he motioned to the doon in the room, "o-okay" I agreed, for some reason, he felt safe.

After the demon left me alone, I turned off the light and fell into the sheets.

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