Chapter 12- Sophie

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Sophie was exhausted.

All she wanted to do was sleep and stay in the dream world forever but, like usual, sleep didn't come.

She couldn't sleep.

Keefe was lying in front of her, in a cot, in what seemed to be his favorite place in the world, the Healing Center.

When she walked- well more like ran into the Healing Center, the first thing Elwin did after dealing with Keefe was check on Sophie. It was a sweet gesture, and Sophie understood where he was coming from, as it was his job, but she wasn't in the mood to be checked on. She just wanted to be left alone.

Also she felt fine, besides the splitting headache she's taken on since she got to the Healing Center, but she was used to them by now.

Sophie glanced over at Keefe, wondering if he'd wake up soon. It's been about 2 hours since Sophie arrived with Keefe in her arms and surprisingly, no one has come to lecture her. Maybe Elwin hadn't told anyone yet.

Whatever it may be, Sophie has decided to be grateful for the time she has to collect her thoughts.

Sophie was mad at Keefe, and will demand answers out of him when he wakes up but she's also relieved that he's finally back. She didn't think she could last much longer without looking at his striking ice blue eyes, his sharp jaw, his-

Stop thinking about that, Sophie tried reminding herself, but failing as the only thing she could think about for the next couple minutes was about Keefe, only Keefe.




Sophie got so lost in thought that she didn't see the only other person in the room, who was standing right in front of her, frantically waving his hand in front of her face, obviously trying to get her attention.


"Oh thank goodness, I thought I lost you for a second," Elwin said, sighing, "You've just been staring into space for about an hour now. To be honest, you looked worse than Keefe does".

"Was I? Sorry for worrying you- Wait, did you say I looked worse than Keefe does?"

After getting a very overdramatic nod from Elwin, Sophie braced herself and looked over at Keefe. He looked almost normal again. His face has gained most of its color back and looked a little less green around the edges but his eyes were shut.

"Elwin, Keefe is just sleeping right?" Sophie asked, starting to get worried.

"He should be. I check his vitals, and they seem to be normal. We'll just have to wait and see".

"We can't just wait and see, what if something's really wrong?" Sophie suddenly snapped, "Since when have you been the wait and see type?"

"I know you're upset but there really isn't much we can do right now. I've been checking his vitals every so often, that's all I can do until he wakes up, I'm sorry."


Sophie was interrupted by a suffocating hug but she looked up and saw that it wasn't Elwin giving the hug. Actually he looked to be trying his hardest not to laugh, probably because Sophie almost fell over, even though she's sitting on a cot.

"Oh Sophie thank goodness you're okay! You won't believe what happened-" Biana stopped short when she saw Keefe lying on a cot and noticed for the first time how anxious Sophie really looked.

Sophie and Biana made eye contact and made a silent agreement to talk about New York later and hugged again, tears starting to well in their eyes.

"He's gonna be okay," Elwin informs Biana, which causes her to squeeze even harder as Sophie starts rubbing her back, unsuccessfully calming her down.

But as Biana told Elwin her side of the story, with silent tears still falling down her face, Sophie zones out again.

Sophie doesn't know what she's saying but frantically transmits to Keefe, hoping this would be the thing that causes Keefe to wake up. But as time went on, she knew it was no use and swerved the connection.

Sophie tried to listen to what Biana was saying, hoping that maybe it would help Sophie figure out what to do next, but she couldn't.

She felt a pull towards Keefe's mind, like she was meant to be transmitting to him, like she didn't try hard enough the first time.

But just as she was about to continue the tedious transmitting game, her mind was pulled under, but she was stronger. Instead, she was left to watch a memory.

Sophie knew she was watching from Keefe's perspective but it felt so entirely her own that she couldn't tell what's real or what was just the memory.

From what it looked like, she was in a cell, like the one Prentice was kept in while he was in Exile; cold and empty.

Sophie looked around and saw no one and nothing when she felt pain everywhere in her body but it felt... distant, like it was there but it wasn't.

As she- Keefe tried standing up, he couldn't. He was bound to a chair. He started hyperventilating. He screamed and he thrashed but finally, broke down sobbing.

Keefe's thoughts were moving a million miles an hour but Sophie caught on to a few words.




Sophie's mind flinched at the thought of guilt, knowing how dangerous it could be as the memory started fading away, but Sophie fought for every second she had.

No, no NO, her brain screeched. Sophie knew it was a memory; even though it could've just been Keefe dreaming, every living fiver of her body disagreed and knew it had its importance.




She heard a name- Sophie but she didn't recognise it.

Who is she?

Who was Sophie?

Wait... she was Sophie?

All of a sudden, memories started flooding her brain and it felt like she was under a waterfall.

She was Sophie Foster, but another name grasped so tight to her mind, it was like that was the only thing keeping it from disappearing, forever.


Keefe Sencen.

New memories flashed through her mind every couple of seconds but even as Sophie tires, she sees the memory she was watching from the start.

Sophie knew she had to try with all of her might to continue but just as the memory was clearing up, her true vision blurred and at once, everything became dark.

A/N: Hey y'all, I updated you know, as you can tell. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm not gonna lie almost thins entire chapter was a sudden burst of inspiration some time past my bedtime (yes, I have a bedtime) so you're welcome. 

All jokes aside I just wanted to thank everyone who's reading this right now for the success this story has had so far, if you are a new reader or if you've been here since the beginning, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that you enjoy my story, enjoy each and every chapter to the fullest. Thanks for reading!

~Coco- 1086 words

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