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THIS DAY COULDN'T get any better

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THIS DAY COULDN'T get any better.

These twenty minutes that I'm here have been the most fun minutes of my 17 years of life.

And all of that because of Finn, if we hadn't met I would probably be standing awkwardly in some corner by myself.

Since i met Finn's friends I've felt as if I belong with these people, they are so fun to be around.

We were currently trying one of those games where you take a fake gun and you have to shoot at a balloon so you can win a price.

The first one to try was Drew- he failed.
Then Josh- he failed too. Then Cole he actually won but ended up not taking anything because he didn't want to hold it for the rest of the night.

The other ones didn't give it a try they were to excited to try other rides, except of Finn, he gave it a shot and failed the first one, he gave it another shot and popped the small red balloon, another one and he had the chance to win a price.

He looked around looking for what to get and his eyes stopped to I think a green stuffed frog.

Finn pointed the frog to the man and he handed it to Finn.

He stepped back from the booth and was walking towards me while looking at the not small but not big either frog.

"Wow congratulations Finn that for your winning price you chose a stuffed frog that looks just like you, in a good way tho". I crossed my arms because it was getting a little bit cold, just a little bit.

But im sure I'll get warmer because of the other stuff we're about to try in the next minutes with Finn's friends.

He opened his mouth to say something but closed it and gave me a little smile.
"And that's why I'm giving it to you". He held the stuffed animal infrond of me with his right hand, waiting for me to take it.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused to why would he give it to me and not keep it for himself.

"And why are you giving this to me that you won this price with so much difficulty?" I joked.

He scoffed playfully "Well since you said that it looks just like me you can keep it in your room and everytime you look at it, it reminds you of my pretty face". He quipped jokingly- always.

"Well in that case" I uncrossed my arms and extended them to get the frog from his hand, "I don't see why not" I finished saying.

I took a closer look at it and and put the frog close to Finn's face looking at Finn and then back at the frog, seeing their similarities.

"Oh I would so take a picture of you right now hahaha, you literally have a frog face". I burst out laughing.

He shook his head and started walking towards where the other ones were. "Well you're not the first one to call me a frog face" i gasped "what there's other people that have called you frog face before?".

𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒, Finn Wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now