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IT WAS A HOT summer day and Y/n was waiting in the buss station to go back to her house after spending 5 hours of her day in the library.

Sure, she could walk back home, but today she decided to take the bus instead.

Headphones over her head as she was listening to one of her favorite songs of The Beatles - since the weather was sunny- she always listened to songs that suited her mood or her soroundings-'Here comes the sun' on Spotify.

She always carried her headphones with her, she needed music, it made her feel relaxed - completed - free - herself.

The buss took long enough for her to listen to her twenty minute playlist but she didn't mind at all cause she had company, she had her phone, her headphones and music.

She hoped in the buss and took a seat close to one of the many windows that the buss had and just stared out the window, staring out at the many apartment buildings of the small town moving while the buss drove away from the station.

The buss drive took about 10 minutes, she wishes it took longer.

She always enjoyed traveling by buss, its just that the thought of going home and just laying in bed all day and having her parents yelling at her and just not understanding what she is going through, made her feel worst.

So she decided since it was sunset time- her favorite hour of the day- she would stop near her favorite spot of the town, the beach.

She went there almost every day.

As she hoped off of the buss she continued walking in the direction of the beach while looking at the sun setting in front of her and just enjoyed the cool breeze.

As soon as she found her spot, the spot that she would always sit at- it was in a huge rock inside of the water.

She took off her shoes and climbed the rock until she could see the sun again in it's orange but still yellow color and just sat down.

As she got used to the feeling of quiet and loneliness, but be aware, when I say loneliness I mean without people around, not company.

The next song that's started playing was 'song on the beach' by Arcade Fire.

Ah, perfect timing.

She enjoyed moments like these, even if she was alone.

She thought being alone sometimes it's better than being around people.

As y/n was getting used to this feeling, the feeling of relaxation she got a text from her mother that she had to get home, knowing damn well that y/n was long gone from the library and that she was at the beach.

So y/n after rolling her eyes and exhaling, she packed her stuff, got up from the rock and started walking in the sand.

As she was texting her mom back, she bumped with what felt like another person, lost her balance and her phone fell down in the water.

As she was texting her mom back, she bumped with what felt like another person, lost her balance and her phone fell down in the water

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"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't see you" said a voice.

It sounded like a boys voice and immediately after that he gave his hand to help me get up.

"It's okay I didn't see you too- oh my God where is my phone!?" I panicked and started looking for my phone and then realized that it might of fell down in the water.

"Oh no no no no no" "hey! wai-" I jumped in the water and started moving around like crazy then I felt someone jump in after me, it must be that boy.

I kept looking for my phone but I ended up not finding so i eventually gave up. I got out of the water and collapsed on the sand to breathe.

Shortly after, the boy from earlier got out of the water and was coming in my way.

As he was walking I took a minute to see his face.

I didn't realized how beautiful he was when I saw him earlier, but damn he was so beautiful.

I watched him as if he was in slow- motion, literally, slow-motion, he ran his hand through his wet hair, the sun in his face, his visible perfect freckled cheekbones.

Oh god he really was a greek god- "Hey are you okay?, I'm sorry I couldn't find your phone the waves must have carried it away, I'm really-really sorry I feel so bad now".

"Well, yeah as you should, you should be sorry because now I don't have a phone to call my mom to tell her that I'm going to be late so that she doesn't get worried and starts screaming when I get home!".

I was furious "excuse me?, I apologized to you, you don't have to be so mad and angry okay? the least I can do is get you another phone or pay you".

Did he just-"oh yeah you will get me another phone that's gonna be empty and then I'll have to remember everything that I had in that phone- or maybe the fifteen thousand photos I had along with my social media accounts passwords ,I would really appreciate it if you did that!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry okay I already told you I didn't mean to do that I didn't even see you" he yelled back "whatever" I said rolling my eyes

He chuckled and shook his head, closed his eyes and then opened them again. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?".

WC: 931 wordsPUBLISHED: May 5th, 202223:13pm

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WC: 931 words
PUBLISHED: May 5th, 2022

𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒, Finn Wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now