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WE WALKED SIDE BY SIDE towards the dock to the lake

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WE WALKED SIDE BY SIDE towards the dock to the lake. Once we reached the end of the dock we sat down close to each other.

There where a few moments of silence and then Finn spoke, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, this is better" Referring to the outside. "Yeah, inside is alright but here is better, to much noise" then Finn turned his head to look at me "you don't like people do you?".

"No, I like them, it's jus-, it's that" I contemplated saying what i thought of saying next, "I'm not used to being around many people. It's always kinda been just me, my parents and a few other people, that's all".

"That's alright, it's the same with me , I kind of felt really overwhelmed when I got in there,I just thought, because you seemed to really wanna get out of there. If you didn't wanna come to the party, you could've told me you know, I would understand" he said softly.

"No I wanted to, I just, as I said, I'm kind of just starting to adjust being around a lot of people, but if you wanna go back inside, we can go, seriously, I don't mind" I said staring to get up but Finn gripped my hand making me sit back down.

"No, no, let's just stay here for a little, it's peaceful and quiet, I'm enjoying this" I smiled to him and nodded my head, "sure"

We stayed like that for a little, not talking, just enjoying each other's presence and the silence around us. The music that came from the inside of the house, sounding muffled, since we were a little far from the house.

After thinking about what to say next for what felt like a lifetime, this time I spoke first "so, what do you do when you're not outside?"

Maybe I shouldn't have asked him that, maybe it's personal, maybe it's too much, maybe he just doesn't wanna talk about it or his personal life, maybe, maybe, maybe, so many maybe's.

"I usually go to the studio to record songs I've written with my band mate, other than that, i stay home writing more songs, or just playing video games and watching anime with my brother"

My eyes widened "wait, you're a singer?" This is something new "yeah, I didn't tell you?" I shook my head while laughing "no!" "Fuck, I thought I did" "no you didn't, how come I don't know you you?".

He stared ahead of him to the water then back to me "well we aren't the most famous band ever so" "we?, who's the other person?" "Malcom" "no way" "yeah he is" "you guys must be so talented, what's the band name?".

"The Aubreys" "that's such a cool name, how did you guys come up with it?" "Well we somehow came up with the name the 'Audreys' but we found out that there's an Australian band called that, so we just swapped the D to a B" "well in that case, I like The Aubreys more, I'll check it out when I go home"

"What about you? What do you like to do?" Finn asked this time "well, I don't do much, I just stay in and read and listen to music or go outside and go to the library. Yeah I know, it sounds pretty boring, and it is, sometimes"

"No, it sounds pretty calming, actually. I'd love to do that sometimes, but I'm just been so busy and everything, I'm actually surprised with how I'm here now and not on the studio" he said chuckling at the end.

"If you want, and if you're free, we can do that one day" I suggested he turned his head to me "do what?" "You know, go to the library or something" I said playing with a small wooden stick I found on the ground while sitting.

Then I looked up at him "sure" he said with a smile.

We didn't stop looking at each other, then he started coming closer to me and I realized that he wants to kiss me.

I started leaning in too and we were centimeters away from each other. We looked at each others eyes and I then felt his lips on mine.

It was the best feeling.

His lips were the softest ever.

We kissed about what felt like 5 minutes but it really was just a few seconds before we heard a voice.

"Sorry to interrupt your make-out session but there's a war happening in there, Finn, and you need to see this" it was Quincy.

We quickly pulled away from each other  and by the time Quincy was done talking Finn quickly stood up and took my hand in his to help me stand up too.

I was careful cause I was wearing a dress. God I hate dresses sometimes.

We Quickly went back inside and saw two boys fightingand and a girl trying to separate them, oh, I see what's happening here.

Okay so we don't know the names of the boys so we're just gonna call them 'boy A' and 'boy B'.

Two groups of people on each sides where also trying to separate them. This is a disaster.

Finn and Quincy also went to help separate boy A and boy B, and somehow, eventually, they pulled away from each other.

The girl immediately went to boy B and was checking his wounds from boy A and hugged him, so it looks like she's interested in boy B and not in boy A.

Well that's shit for boy A.

That's why I don't like frat parties, cause everyone is stupid and immature and because of that the party always ends like a disaster.

Finn is the only reason I came here, to spend more time with him, to be with him, I wanna be with him all the time.

I went up to Finn "hey are you okay?" I looked at his face to see if he accidentally got hurt but he didn't, thank god.

"Yeah, I'm okay, I think I'm ready to leave this party" he said and I couldn't help but smile.

"Say less" and I took his hand in mine and got the hell out of there.

"Say less" and I took his hand in mine and got the hell out of there

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WC: 1142 words
PUBLISHED: March 16th, 2023 16:25pm

𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒, Finn Wolfhard Where stories live. Discover now