Before I knew it, me and my guarding angel were transported to an entirely different area. Instead of the black space, it was a white space. It was filled with these humanlike figures, though they were clear, and kind of see through. I looked all around with the most confusion. "Who knew all of this shit would happen after you die.." I say in slight awe, as I look around at all the transparent humans around me. "I wont lie..I wasn't much of a believer of anything after death. When I was younger I was. But then I said nah, there's nothing..." I admit to my guarding angel, while she looks at me with a smile.
"Well this place, is the memory room..for lack of a better word hehe. All of the people you see here, are in their own memory world. Not the previous one that we just left, but the one after. After death, we show you your memories, then we send you here where you'll make your way to your own memory world. It's different than just having the memories played back at you from a mirror. You'll actually see them, like you're actually there again. You'll be there. After that, you must come to the decision of whether or not you believe you lived a meaningful life. As well as come to terms with the life that you lived. After that, we either send you for reincarnation, or the world ahead. Which is the after world. For you it's different though, you just have to come to terms with your life to get to the afterworld" The guarding angel explained to me, while I continued watching the people around me. It was a lot to take in, and a lot to unpack. Especially since I'm gonna be the one that has to save the afterworld, to even get back to my body. There are way too many questions. Like how would getting back to my body work if I was hit by a truck like that? Wouldn't my body be all types of fucked up? Or how my heart practically stopped beating?
I rub my hair and shake my head vigorously with all these thoughts running loose inside of them. There were way too many concerns and questions. "First off, how am I gonna save the afterworld? You haven't really told me shit about what's wrong about it. Did y'all accidentally let the wrong people in there that should've been sent down to hell?" I question my guarding angel, with a slight chuckle at the end of the question.
My guarding angel giggles a bit, before she flys in circles around me. Once she did, it was like golden stars floating around me, that came from her sparkling white wings. I couldn't help but feel a heavenly presence, rain over me."An evil has made its way into the afterworld..or more-so, the memory world. The power that he processes, altered, and took away the memories of those in the afterworld." She says before looking slightly upset, and troubled. I start looking at her more seriously from this. "It's been this way for a couple of days now, so I guess your death was timed pretty luckily. Or you would've never been able to reunite with your family in this body that you possess. But as you look around, you'll notice that tens of millions upon millions of people are lost. They're experiencing haunting memories that they don't recall. Some of them don't even have memories, so they're just stuck in a never ending loop, unable to get to the afterworld, or be reincarnated. It's all because of this evil person. And now, he's trying to destroy the afterworld, by consuming it in darkness, making it cease to exist." As my guarding angel explained to me everything that was going on, I realized that the stakes were a lot higher than I thought they would initially be. This is something that will impact millions, upon millions of people. I can't do something so important to people...
"The worst part is, in the memory world, a certain god named the god of souls comes to take you into the afterworld, even if it's by force. And if you haven't come to terms with your life, and the life that you lived, you'll become a lost soul..unable to be reincarnated, or go to the afterworld." my guarding angel explains to me. Coming to terms with your life, and the life that you lived? All of that sounds so complicated and hard to understand. But I think I get it..
"Okay," I turn up and look at my guarding angel, who looked down at me. "I think I understand now. Some evil bad guy made the memories of everyone in the memory world, either altered, or gone. For that reason, these people are confused, and scared. They're unable to come to terms with their life, because they don't even remember the life that they're seeing. And then there's this god person trying to take them into the afterworld, yet they're all incapable of coming to terms with the life they they all become lost souls.." Saying it it outloud makes me realize even more, just how crazy all of this is.
FantasiNo one knows what comes after your life ends. Heaven? Hell? Reincarnation? Nothing..? If you have one life on this planet, with the people around you, how will you live it? Would you leave behind a mark that you're proud of? Deep questions like that...