chapter 1

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Esmeray POV
I stood on the deck overlooking the other trackers making their way into the sandskiff, I saw my half sister walk on with Mal. He was her pain in my ass best friend that loathed me. He had ever since the orphanage, I didn't know why? Actually scratch that, I know exactly why the little shot hated me. It was simple, jealous. At the orphanage I was top of my class, he just couldn't take it and now he was the best tracker. Second only to me.

The thing which made me stand out was my ability to track at night, it is almost as I could feel the presence of those around me. I could also see perfectly in the pitch black of night, even when I went on midnight strolls back at the orphanage. He and my sister stuck to each other, me and Alina almost never spoke to each other. Even when we did, all we did was scream back and forth until Mal dragged her away from me.

Me and Alina were opposite, when we were little the bullies tried to start a fight. She ran and I fought, and won might I add. Even now, she was a map maker while I hunted down things which needed to be found. I had killed before in self defense while she had never even seen danger. This crossing of the fold would probably be fatal.

However I was not scared, as everyone took their positions. The grisha standing, ready for the voyage, I felt like a new chapter was about to begin for everyone. My clothes suddenly felt constricting and the coat too hot. I was not ready, not ready for the unexpected that awaited me once the Skiff plunged into the endless darkness.

A/N- sorry for the short first chapter, it is just and introduction of the characters relationships.

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