chapter 2

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The muscled men beneath began to push the Skiff, as soon as it reached the fold they ran back as quickly as possible. It was as though the darkness was a disease ready to infect anyone who dared to get too close. It launched forward, I held onto the railing to keep myself steady. The gun on my back was a reassuring weight even though I knew it would not keep the vocra away.

As soon as it descended into the fold, the darkness it held enveloped us. There was no heat, no comfort and no noise. The darkness seemed to dampen it, swallowing at it in its endless Abyss. We had left the living world behind, nothing but darkness existed here. The railing was anchor.

We sailed silently for what felt like minutes but could have been hours. There were no landmarks, just consistent darkness. The hope of this journey was to go through without making any noise and unoticed and unseen. Hopefully my rifle wouldn't have to be shot and the inferni wouldn't have to set a flame.

I stood alone, I had no one in my life. The time given to me was used to contemplate this. It seemed like everyone had someone but I had no one.  I was brought out of my darkening thoughts as I heard the faint but unmistakable rhythmic beating of wings.

I tried to make out its form but I could see nothing in the blackness though. I silently grabbed my gun and clicked off the safety, ready for any attack that could ensue. I heard others doing the same around me, we waited. Tense and uneasy.
The beating of wings became louder like war drums. A signal of death that will follow in its wake.

Once the sound of wings were above us the command rang out, "Burn!" Grisha flame erupted all around me, I then without hesitation began to shoot. I didn't focouse on what they looked like or how they seemed to be traveling in a huge pack, I just focused on my target and began to take down as many as possible.

The inhuman piercing shreeks the volcra rang as bullets hit targets, arrows imbeded in their mark and fire burned. They dove at us, one headed straight towards my position, I through myself to the deck as I shot at it. The volcra managed to scratch my forarm before I killed it.

Just as I was about to get up the fight more volcra, I felt agony burning through me. I collapsed back onto the floor, I tried to push down the pain and fight though it. However the more I fought the more it hurt. Instead of fighting it, I accepted it.

Bright blue light was all I could see before my eyes closed.

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